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发布时间:2019-01-22 10:12
[Abstract]:Unlike elsewhere, Britain adopted a gradual and peaceful colonial strategy towards New Zealand. The Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 was a relationship agreement between British colonists and Maori. Due to the difference of historical and cultural context and the unequal position between the two sides in the process of treaty conclusion, there are great differences in the choice and interpretation of some key terms between the two texts (English and Maori text). The British colonists regarded the English treaty as a basic document for the lawful acquisition of New Zealand's sovereignty, while Maori believed that the treaty was intended to secure British security and to share the authority of rule with the latter. In terms of historical evidence and jurisprudence, Britain's claim to Maori sovereignty under the Treaty of Waitangi is untenable.
【作者单位】: 苏州科技学院历史系;


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