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发布时间:2019-03-21 12:43
【摘要】:正随着印度民族解放运动的发展,20世纪30年代,分别代表印度教徒和穆斯林的两大政治组织印度国民大会党(Indian National Congress,以下称"国大党")与全印穆斯林联盟(All-India Muslim league,以下称"穆盟")逐渐分道扬镳。第二次世界大战爆发后,在关注和支持国大党自决努力的同时,美国也逐渐认识了穆盟及其领导人。尽管希望在战后出现统一的印度,但美国最终还是接受了印巴分治的现实,并在两国之间实行中立政策。
[Abstract]:With the development of India's national liberation movement, in the 1930s, the two major political organizations representing Hindus and Muslims, the Indian National Congress Party (Indian National Congress,) and the all India Muslim League (All-India Muslim league,), respectively, were called the "Congress Party" (hereinafter referred to as the "Congress Party"). Hereinafter referred to as the "Muslim League") gradually parted ways. After the outbreak of World War II, while paying attention to and supporting the Congress Party's self-determination efforts, the United States also gradually recognized the Muslim League and its leaders. Despite hopes for a unified India after the war, the United States eventually accepted the reality of India-Pakistan partition and adopted a neutral policy between the two countries.
【作者单位】: 郑州大学马克思主义学院;


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