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发布时间:2019-04-23 22:59
[Abstract]:Under the background of the dual expansion of urbanization and poverty in London in the 19th century, the informal economic activities, dominated by street retail, have become an important choice for a large number of people at the bottom of the city to guarantee their right to exist. Through playing an important economic and social function, the street peddlers' right to survival has been consolidated by the urban residents and the authorities, and this group has also expanded day by day in the 19th century. While taking into account the right to exist of street vendors, urban administrative authorities strive to overcome its negative impact on urban society and bring regulatory pressure, and street vendors also protect their fragile right to survival through various means.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学历史学院;


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1 祝宏俊;罗马帝国初期的城市管理[J];历史教学;2004年10期

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1 毛欣欣;君士坦丁堡城市管理研究[D];东北师范大学;2012年




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