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发布时间:2016-11-30 12:06





【Abstract】 As the United Nations since the promulgation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention, the world set off a wave declared " Intangible Heritage " boom, our government, academia and the community level with Intangible Heritage, I have to be a high degree of attention to research work related to year increased. In this paper, Yangzhou Intangible heritage protection and development of tourism resources as the subject, to the sustainable development concept as the guiding ideology, follow the "protection mainly rescue first, the rational utilization of succession and development," the principle of protection, from the protection of tourism resources and development point of view, a correct understanding and handling of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Tourism Resource Protection and Tourism Development in the relationship between the pairs of Intangible cultural heritage protection and development of related theories and Yangzhou in-depth study of Intangible cultural heritage tourism resources survey based on the analysis of Yangzhou level of Intangible cultural heritage, manifestations, and tourism resources classification of the major classes of Intangible cultural heritage of Yangzhou typical elaborate. In the Intangible cultural heritage tourism resource classification based on its qualitative and quantitative evaluation to determine the development value. Yangzhou Intangible cultural heritage through the necessity and feasibility analysis for proposed Intangible cultural heritage in line with the actual situation in Yangzhou, the protection of tourism development mode. By presenting a practical development and protection mode, the formation of Yangzhou tourist resources of Intangible cultural heritage protection and development system in order to achieve conservation and development of sustainable development.Full-text is divided into five chapters, the main research contents include:(1) The prerequisite for the development of the intangible cultural heritage-style protection. Right to define the intangible cultural heritage under the premise of the intangible cultural heritage of Yangzhou resources on the basis of field surveys, through the classification of non-material cultural heritage tourism resources Yangzhou an overall assessment of its characteristics, value analysis.(2) Intangible cultural heritage-style development. In parsing the current Intangible Cultural Heritage Tourism Resources Development and Protection of contradiction on the basis of the intangible cultural heritage of Yangzhou Tourism Resource Protection and Development for the necessity and feasibility analysis. Analysis of Yangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Tourism Development in the current situation and the existing number of challenges, proposed the establishment of the authenticity of the protective principle, tourism development, as well as intangible cultural heritage for the development of Yangzhou modes, including museum mode, made after the former store-style, centralized display block.(3) The development of the intangible cultural heritage protection after the consolidation of style. First, an objective evaluation of Yangzhou, Yangzhou Confucian Merchants contribution of intangible cultural heritage, and then from the ideological, organizational, legal, economic, human and advocacy, as well as the inscription of intangible cultural heritage point of view to ensure Yangzhou follow-up-style protection of tourism resources.

【关键词】 非物质文化遗产; 旅游资源; 保护; 开发; 扬州;
【Key words】 Intangible Heritage; Tourism resources; Protection; Development; Yangzhou;

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  •   本文关键词:扬州非物质文化遗产旅游资源的保护与开发,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。




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