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发布时间:2018-04-16 18:19

  本文选题:美国权益 + 外交交涉 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the July 7 incident as the beginning, the Japanese Empire opened a full-scale war of aggression against China.With the expansion of the scope of the war, Japan's barbaric behavior in China has caused serious damage to the rights and interests of third countries in China, represented by the United States, with a neutral political attitude in wartime.The United States has engaged in diplomatic negotiations with Japan over a series of losses to American interests in China caused by Japan.According to the wartime legislation, the United States believes that Japan has an obligation to take measures to protect the life safety and legitimate rights and interests of American citizens in China; when the personal safety of US citizens in China is threatened as a result of Japanese military action,Or when their legitimate rights and interests are compromised, the United States has the right to claim compensation from Japan.The Japanese government has also pledged to take all measures to protect third-country rights and interests in China, including the United States.However, despite repeated commitments by the Japanese government, it will take all effective measures to protect American citizens in China from encroachment on their safety and legitimate rights.However, the damage caused by the Japanese side of the United States and American citizens occurred frequently.The victims of these incidents are mainly American officials (American diplomats in China and American troops in China; American warships; American missionaries and church industries; American businessmen and enterprises).In this paper, the representative events are selected as an example to analyze the diplomatic negotiations between the United States and Japan from the perspective of the two countries.From the diplomatic negotiations between Japan and the United States, we can see that because of the prevalence of domestic isolationism and the strong anti-war sentiment among the people, the US Government, when dealing with such incidents, often adopts diplomatic means to protest the atrocities committed by Japan.Ask Japan to apologize and compensate for the damage.As the war expanded, Japan's atrocities became more frequent, but the United States still wanted time to prepare for the war, so it took a compromise after the Japanese government apologized and compensated inadequately.In order to carry out military operations in China smoothly, the Japanese government adopted a policy of goodwill toward the United States in order to avoid stimulating public opinion in the United States and its own country.With the change of the international situation, the ambition of the Japanese empire is expanding day by day, and the American rights and interests in China are no longer attached great importance to, and the behavior that may stimulate the United States is no longer deliberately avoided, but in order to buy time, the Japanese Empire is still playing a false role with the United States.So, in the face of American protests, the Japanese government often apologizes and is willing to pay.But the Japanese government has interpreted all incidents as unintentional "accidents" or "accidents" and has been shirking responsibility all the time.In the course of the negotiation between the United States and Japan, Japan's aggressive nature and hypocrisy were fully exposed. On the one hand, the United States adhered to the principle of asking Japan to apologize for compensation, on the other hand, it adopted a protracted compromise attitude.


相关重要报纸文章 前1条

1 荀恒栋;战时中立的基本规则[N];法制日报;2003年

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1 郑雪飞;战时中立国海上贸易权利之争的历史考察[D];南京大学;2002年

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1 宋雪瑜;美日就在华美方权益受侵害事件的交涉(1937-1941)[D];武汉大学;2017年




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