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发布时间:2018-04-16 19:40

  本文选题:巴黎和会 + 日本 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At the Paris Peace Conference after World War I, when Britain, France, and the United States and other countries were preparing for the establishment of the League of Nations, the Japanese delegation, in order to avoid the disadvantages caused by the formation of the League of Nations, put forward a proposal to "abolish racial discrimination" in this regard.An attempt was made to incorporate the idea of ethnic equality into the League of Nations statute.But the bill eventually violated the interests of the United States and other countries, met with their opposition, and ultimately did not pass the Paris Peace Conference.The proposal to abolish ethnic discrimination was rejected, which was regarded as the basis for denying the justice of the League of Nations and had a profound influence on Japan's domestic and foreign affairs.


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