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发布时间:2019-01-03 14:25
[Abstract]:Under the radiation of advanced Chinese culture and etiquette civilization, the Korean Koryo Dynasty (918-1392) carried out large-scale ritual construction in order to realize the political goal of Confucian ritual governance and follow the Chinese system. As the core content of the Chinese etiquette system, one of the five rites system, the fierce ceremony also had the system and the norm in the Koryo Dynasty. There are eleven items in Koryo's fierce ceremony, mainly the national compassionate, funeral and kimono system. Its contents and forms not only reflect the imitation of the Chinese system, but also show a mixture of Confucianism and Buddhism due to the particularities of local social culture, religious belief, family structure, etc. The characteristics of the propriety. The construction of Koryo's fierce ceremony reflects the historical process of strengthening centralization of power and strengthening Wang Quan's intention of political and cultural etiquette and Confucian social ethics on the Korean Peninsula.
【作者单位】: 山东大学历史文化学院;




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