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发布时间:2019-07-18 17:51
[Abstract]:Julius is the last king of the Roman Empire in the Roman Empire, and has launched an anti-Christian reform, also known as the "A defector, Julian.". He has commented on the kings of Rome, and thus explains the political vision of the individual. Through the review of the related comments of Julius, he can see that he has a slight grudge against the Christians, but the religious reform may indeed be a political ideal for the "the king of philosophy" to revitalize the Empire; the religious reform is only a concrete political operation, and the "rule of law" that Plato has said is his ultimate goal. The political concept of Julius has both the Roman law and the thought factor of Greek political philosophy, which shows the influence of the polytheism culture, and also shows that the popularization of Christianity may be very fast, but the "Christianization" of the Roman Empire is not so simple.
【作者单位】: 中央民族大学历史文化学院;


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