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发布时间:2021-04-06 00:35


【文章页数】:57 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Origin of Affirmative Action: A Literature Review
    2.1 Civil Rights Movement: Beginning of Affirmative Action
    2.2 Civil Rights Act of 1964
        2.2.1 Equal Opportunity
        2.2.2 Establishment of Civil Rights Act of 1964
    2.3 Executive Orde111246: Cornerstone of Affirmative Action
    2.4 OFCCP: Ultimate Establishment of Affirmative Action
Chapter 3 Factors behind the Rise of Affirmative Action
    3.1 Social Context
        3.1.1 A New Image of Blacks
        3.1.2 Rapid Development of Mass Media
    3.2 Prevailing Ideas
    3.3 Political Climate
        3.3.1 Nixon Administration’s Attitude
        3.3.2 Carter Administration’s Attitude
    3.4 Case Study: Griggs v. Duke Power Co
        3.4.1 Background
        3.4.2 Decision of Courts
Chapter 4 Factors behind the Fall of Affirmative Action
    4.1 Social Context
        4.1.1 Economic Achievements of African Americans
        4.1.2 Increasing Influence of Conservative Forces
    4.2 Prevailing Ideas
        4.2.1 Arguments against Compensation
        4.2.2 Issue of Racial Identity and White Opinions
        4.2.3 Argument of Reverse Discrimination
    4.3 Political Climate
        4.3.1 Regan Administration’s Attitude
        4.3.2 Bush Administration’s Attitude
    4.4 Case Study: City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co
        4.4.1 Background
        4.4.2 Decision of Courts
Chapter 5 Conclusion




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