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发布时间:2022-04-27 20:28
  “理论之于法律的教条,犹如建筑师之于建房的工匠,乃其最重要的一部分。”美国宪政体制是西方政治哲学的发展和社会进步的产物,其中所体现出的各种理论思想是具有历史渊源的。约翰·洛克的政治理论承继了西方哲学长期以来的发展,尤其是自然法理论,结合时代特征使之与“自然权利说”及“社会契约论”联系起来,构建了他的政治理论。 在《政府论》中,洛克对自己的政治理论和观点做出了详尽的阐述,使西方宪政思想得到了进一步的发展。美国宪政的发展始于英国在北美的殖民时期。殖民地政府仿效英国宪政体制在北美的土地上逐渐形成了美国式的宪政。本文首先分析了当时美国社会发展的情况和需要,这对美国宪政体制的形成有很大的推动作用。接下来介绍洛克的政治理论并与霍布斯和卢梭的理论作对比,得出洛克理论的独特性,说明其迎合了美国的需要。美国宪政生成的重要理论基础可以归纳为人民主权和限权政府两个方面,分别构成了宪政产生的原因、目的以及保障手段。在这两方面,洛克的政治理论都做出了巨大的贡献。洛克以保护个人权利—特别是财产权—为出发点,使自然权利与自然法理论和社会契约论相结合,论证了个人权利的神圣性和优先性,政府只是保障个人权利得以实现的工具... 

【文章页数】:67 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Purpose and the scope of the thesis
    1.2 Methodology of the study
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Literature review
        2.1.1 The development of the idea of constitutionalism from ancient Greece and Rome to the early modern period
        2.1.2 Arguments of some scholars studying on the influence of John Locke’ theory on the American constitutional system
    2.2 Some basic concepts
        2.2.1 Constitutionalism
        2.2.2 Natural law
        2.2.3 Social contract theory
        2.2.4 Popular sovereignty
        2.2.5 The separation of powers
Chapter 3 Social Context and the Formation of the America Constitutionalism
    3.1 The idea of social contract embodied in the beginning of the colonial America
    3.2 The development of the colonial constitution
    3.3 The tradition of the pursuit of liberty in America
    3.4 Contributions made by the economic development of American society to the building of the constitutional system
Chapter 4 John Locke’s Theories and the Comparison between His Theories with that of Hobbes and Rousseau
    4.1 A brief introduction to John Locke’s background and some of his writings
    4.2 Human understanding as the precondition to politics
    4.3 Locke’s political theory
        4.3.1 The state of nature
        4.3.2 Locke’s views on government
    4.4 Comparative study of Locke’s political theory with that of Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau
        4.4.1 The comparison on political theory between Hobbes and Locke
        4.4.2 The comparison on political theory between Rousseau and Locke
Chapter 5 The Embodiment of Locke’s political theory in the American constitutional system
    5.1 The idea of popular sovereignty
    5.2 The influence of Locke’s popular sovereignty theory on the American constitutionalism
    5.3 The idea of the limitation of governmental powers and its influence on the American constitutionalism
Chapter 6 Conclusion




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