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发布时间:2016-07-14 06:02



    This paper focuses on how the chastity concept and the political evolution conspired to go a roundabout way in the20th century of Chinese literature. Chastity concept does not remain the same, whereas the explanations for "chastity concept" in different period and by different social group are different. The author finds that from ancient time to the20th century the ideas of chastity described carrying a lot of cultural, political, social, psychological, and other complex contents. And chastity has not represented itself, but also an important factor affecting and restricting gender harmony, especially since China began to open its doors in the early20th century with world practice, the chastity concept of Chinese literature changes with Chinese social evolution. This evolution of the chastity concept took on complex faces at different times and in different social strata.The first chapter is a literature review of the evolution of concept of chastity in the East and West. One common characteristic in China, Japan, India, Islamic countries and other oriental countries is the emphasis on the concept of chastity, and thus forms corresponding marital system and customs associated with chastity, some of which even stretches so far. Under the influence of Christian religion, cruel chastity system once appeared in Western countries, however, with influences brought about by the Enlightenment, emancipation and sexual liberation movements, chastity untie the ropes gradually, people break the shackles of chastity in favor, and get a new gender relations between men and women. When the westerly East came out in the early20th century, chastity is no longer a heavy global topic, Oriental society has gradually abandoned the harsh chastity system, love, marriage, family and sex relationships has got new development.Chapter two mainly discusses the awakening of the concept of chastity from the early20th century to the May Fourth period; people broke the taboos of sex, and reveals traditional chastity in the inferior root, propaganda of Western New emancipation from theoretical criticism to the creation of literary images, of which the prominent one is the evil love novels in the late Qing and the Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School. The evil love novels often tell stories about prostitutes, partly showing ideological trends conflicting with traditional feudal morality. The Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School novels often tell about men’s and women’s marriage freedom, large numbers of young people break traditional feudal etiquette shackles. They were discontent with marriage arranged by parents, and hope to get marriage freedom approved by parents, and desire for free marriage without interference, but cannot be the owners of their marriage like young people in May4th Movement. So this sort of novel is real depiction of young people’s emotion in the exchange of old and new time.Chapter three mainly deals with chastity concept in30-year modern literature except the revolution literature, the left-wing literature and Yan’an literature. In modern literature, the concept of chastity took different characteristics from the period of May4th Movement and the period after the founding of new China. Provided the traditional chastity concept rule of China had some changes in the period of the May4th Movement, in this30years Chinese literature the chastity concept is both brave rebellion and suspected wandering. The chastity concept of modern literature in performance is more complex than other periods, and usually men and women writers follow different thoughts of chastity concept. To face the Millennium sufferings caused by typical concept of chastity of traditional Chinese women, different men and women had different perceptions. Male writers often wrote from an objective point and revealed the social causes of this suffering, whereas women writers tended to a perceptual style, proceeding from their own experiences and maintain sorrows of this suffering. On the other hand, most of the women bound by traditional chastity were weak images, were only sad pathetic victim of society in male writers’novels. But women writers tended to endow these women with strong personality, amazing vitality, and their struggle shinning with sparkles of the pursuit of human spirit. From the perspective of writers, male and female writers are also different, male writers were affected by male center doctrine, on the one hand, they reflected the oppression women suffered, on the other hand, they praised and defended this chastity of concept unconsciously, so sometimes their views wandered between traditional and modern concepts, and exposed an attitude of suspicion and contradictions. However, women writers held a more firm attitude towards it.Chapter four mainly surveys the chastity concept from revolutionary literature, Yan’an literature development to the new China’s socialist left-wing literature, until to the pinnacle of this aberration of cultural revolution, that is, no love ruthlessly clone the cultural revolution literature. In proletariat revolution period, the contents of literature were restricted, and began to pursue fidelity pure, love should not be petty ambience, sex is a corruption morality which cannot be described, those who pursued sexual liberation is backward and reactionary. When proletariat went on historical stage and made regime, positive description of sex almost disappeared, which the deep affection was brought by male chauvinism and left wing politics. Literature of the20th century change from initially praising women pursuing freedom and love and marriage to extreme" no love no sex" literary principle, which lies in the road taken by China in20th century. Literature gradually lost its independence and became a part of revolution on the way of revolution, war and salvation to explore access to save our nation. Thus inevitably Chinese literature in20th century entered a period of combining with politics. It was limited by politics and revealed the severe discipline imposed on it, so Chinese literature in20th century entered a winding road with Chinese characteristics of chastity concept and conspiring with politics.Chapter five mainly tells how the literature in the new era reconsiders on the concept of chastity once again. Influenced by ancient tradition and revolutionary tradition, literature in the new period was enlightened by western ideas, and conservative concept of chastity has been loosened, but restrictions does not mean it was liberated completely, but it had constant twists in this process. Mainstream ideology carries forward the main theme, seeking stable and progressive, so for some of the performance of new works on the concept of chastity will often take the form of discipline to reduce its impact. But social after all is from extreme of a Yuan slowly trend multiple development, different of tone began get vocal of opportunities, despite so of some breakthrough constantly of was from mainstream of criticism and rules training, but and no barrier writers were from carefully to back of breakthrough, until to another extreme:sexual flood, especially the period past1990is considered as a desire narrative of times, this is another trend of chastity literature in the a new era.Overall, the doors open and people are longing for change in early20th century left-wing literature and revolutionary literature, before and after the May Fourth period, intellectual fashion is condemnation of feudal history of chastity in crimes against Chinese women’s literature expression, new intellectual abomination feudal concept of chastity, they are echoing with the liberation of thought prevailing in the West, with more liberal sexual attitudes. But after all the old hereditary heavy and stubborn, social infrastructure, as well as preserved ancient traditions of feudal clans in the atmosphere of this fresh blow came only after vague ripples, the former description of performance in a large number of rural Lucretia tragedies in new literary works, which are reflected in Ling Shuhua’s writers, such as describing "Sublime Porte Family " in a series of works. The other hand, starting from the left-wing literature has been laid "abstinence" seeds, the Yan’an literature and the beginning of the founding of the Socialist literature period we will see the "liberation" of marriage of the concept of "conservative" attitude, enthusiastic,"abstinence" as a result of the war because the harsh "legitimate" reasons. We can see on the advocacy work of independent, feudal marriage, but is rarely seen on the speaking of love, much less see description of lust, people throw these personal feelings aside, and all forces are gathered political torrent to unify their thinking in favor of the victory of the revolution. When connected to a "petty-bourgeois style" heroes are rare, the hero becomes a hero of workers, and these have been of May Fourth enlightenment emancipation of workers of the exalted idea of chastity is still traditional. Get-back in this state of affairs in the new period literature, even rampant development to another extreme. But in fact, this so-called "sexual promiscuity" we don’t need "universal moral turpitude" roughly and scream to simple negation. Because in the period of social transformation, different social groups with different values, behind a complex phenomenon, we can see the embarrassment of that kind of life and dead coexist.The innovation of the thesis lies in:Firstly, the author makes her research from the angle of chastity in study of Chinese literature in the20th century, through modern literature in20th century literature, modern literature, and contemporary literature in the research context. The chastity in Chinese literature in20th century deeply presents that is entangled with political development, on the overall development of this unique study is to focus efforts in this article. Secondly, there is still no results from social gender theory perspective on chastity concept in20th century literature, so this paper makes a breakthrough in theory perspective and research object area; thirdly, integrated history, psychology and sociology, the author takes interdisciplinary paradigm in this paper by the latest research results of Humanities Social Science in literature research, making a breakthrough in research method.



中文摘要10-14ABSTRACT14-18前言19-34    一、选题的缘起19-20    二、与贞节观相关的问题20-25    三、前人关于贞节观的不同论述25-32    四、研究思路32-34第一章 野蛮与文明:回眸东西方贞节观的历史衍变34-90    第一节 东西方国家贞节观的衍变34-77        一、古代中国及日本、印度、伊斯兰教国家等东方国家贞节观衍变状况35-65        二、西方国家的贞节观衍变状况65-77    第二节 东西方贞节观念的比较77-90        一、东西方贞节观的共同点77-82        二、东西方贞节观的差异82-90第二章 桎梏与呐喊:中国人在贞节观念上的觉醒90-111    第一节 20世纪初中国社会贞节观状况91-102        一、新文化运动中对贞节观的理论批判92-97        二、打破性禁忌的坚冰97-102    第二节 清末民初文学中的贞节观衍变102-111        一、狭邪小说等清末世情小说中的贞节观104-106        二、鸳鸯蝴蝶派文学中的贞节观106-108        三、清末谴责小说中的贞节观108-111第三章 反抗与徘徊:贞节观衍变的现代标本111-151    第一节 他们的目光——现代男性作家笔下的贞节观112-129        一、为旧礼教牺牲品叹惋:鲁迅、叶绍钧、杨振声、柔石等作家的创作112-115        二、新女性的命运挽歌:鲁迅、王统照、曹禺、巴金等作家的创作115-118        三、另类理想新女性:胡适、茅盾、杨振声等作家的创作118-122        四、湘西世界别样的人生故事:沈从文的创作122-125        五、直面欲望:郁达夫、张资平及新感觉派的创作125-129    第二节 她们的体验:现代女性作家的贞节观129-151        一、在母爱与情爱的天平上:陈衡哲、冰心、冯沅君、苏雪林的创作129-134        二、“五四”女儿的艰难出走:庐隐、白薇、丁玲等的创作134-140        三、描述那些“高门巨族的精魂”:凌叔华的创作140-141        四、乱世男女的凡俗人生:张爱玲、苏青、梅娘的创作141-148        五、悲悯的女性情怀:萧红的创作148-151第四章 红色迷雾与黑色魔影:贞节观新的畸变151-229    第一节 埋下畸变的种子:左翼文学中的禁欲倾向152-163        一、革命加恋爱与青春一起飞扬154-158        二、那些被革命理性压抑了的爱情158-163    第二节 传统观念与革命战争的结合:延安文学中的贞节观163-181        一、延安文学中丁玲的创作165-172        二、延安文学的双葩:赵树理与孙犁172-179        三、延安其他作家和作品179-181    第三节 规训中的畸变:“十七年”文学中的贞节观181-209        一、在“以阶级斗争为纲”的背景下183-184        二、争取婚姻自主的社会主义新风尚184-188        三、社会主义的爱情新篇章188-196        四、社会主义文学中贞节观的畸形变异196-209    第四节 登峰造极:无爱无情亦无性的文革文学209-229        一、“爱的文学”遭遇灭顶之灾210-215        二、充满“无性人”形象的革命样板戏215-221        三、闪耀着人性之光的地下文学潜流221-229第五章 灵与肉:新时期文学对贞节观的再度反省229-327    第一节 迂回的挑战与持续的规训231-246        一、对封建道德与革命传统的反思232-238        二、面对规训的迂回突围238-246    第二节 反思婚姻与爱情246-271        一、寻找爱情的位置247-254        二、追问婚姻、爱情、家庭与道德254-271    第三节 书写人欲:从苏醒到狂欢271-308        一、人欲的苏醒273-281        二、“性禁忌”的魔盒开启之后281-297        三、“私人化写作”与“身体写作”297-308    第四节 政治与性的另类叙事308-327        一、行走在“性禁地”的边缘309-316        二、对政治与性的再叙述316-327结束语327-331参考文献331-339致谢339-341攻读学位期间发表的学术论文341-342学位论文评阅及答辩情况表342






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