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【毕业论文】中西国家婚礼文化差异的比较.doc 全文 文档投稿网

发布时间:2016-07-15 17:05


毕 业 论 文 The Comparison of Differences in Wedding Culture Between China and Western Countries 中西国家婚礼文化差异的比较 学生姓名 王明霞 学号 1014010114 指导教师 潘朝霞 系(部) 外语系 专业年级 2010级英语 论文答辩日期 年 月 日 山东凯文科技职业学院 The differences of wedding customs among China and western countries Thesis statement: This thesis is going to find the differences of wedding customs among China and western countries by comparing some custom process and details. Outline Introduction Auspicious occasion Perpetration Dressing 4.1 The customs of dressing in western countries 4.2 The traditional dressing customs in China 4.3 The color difference Wedding day ceremony Atmosphere Sponsons 6. Activities 6.1 Wedding night 6.2 honeymoon 7.The Reasons of Differences 7.1 Thinking Pattern 7.2 Value Orientation 7.3 Behavior Standards 7.4 Social System 8.conclusion 9. references 1. Introduction As the development of the society, globalization is involved into every aspect of life, especially the culture. This essay will have a glimpse of the differences of wedding traditions between China and western countries. For some people, marriage is the most solemn pledge we make in our lifetimes. To wed is both the most basic of all human pledges, and at the same time the most sublime. However countries around the world own different wedding traditions. Taking Europe as an example, wedding traditions in Western Europe are as varied as the countries that make up the region ― from Ireland to Italy, from Portugal to Switzerland and everything in between, the wonderful, colorful wedding traditions of Western Europe span almost a quarter of our world. So, we should have a better understandin





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