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发布时间:2018-06-25 15:22

  本文选题:社区矫正人员 + 心理矫正 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:On 30 December 2016, the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the Central propaganda Department and others jointly issued the guidance on strengthening Mental Health Services, which pointed out that attention should be paid to mental health services for special groups of people (community inmates). To strengthen their humanistic care and psychological guidance, eliminate discrimination, help them re-integrate into society, improve their ability to withstand setbacks, adapt to the environment and avoid repeated offenses, so it is particularly important for community correction personnel to carry out psychological correction work. Psychological correction refers to psychological workers using professional psychological methods, techniques and means to carry out psychological assessment, mental health education, psychological counseling and counseling, psychological prediction and psychological crisis intervention to community correction personnel. And at the end of the correction to evaluate the effectiveness of a series of interventions, continuous work. Psychological correction is a continuous and dynamic process, which includes not only the psychological health status and personal risk assessment of community correction personnel in the early stage, but also the type of crime, attitude correction, social support system and personality. Age, sex and other characteristics, carry out classified education, individual education; after the implementation of psychological correction to make a comprehensive evaluation of the effect, as the basis for correction of the sentence. Therefore, the community correction assessment questionnaire is a multi-level structure, including 10 parts: psychological crisis, self-injury tendency, anti-social tendency, reoffending risk, mental health condition, psychosis, correcting attitude, correcting adaptation. Corrective needs and corrective effect assessment. In this study, 45 community correction staff of Chenggong District Judicial Bureau and Chuxiong City Judicial Bureau were selected to conduct case interviews, and a preliminary psychological correction assessment questionnaire for community correctors was constructed by qualitative analysis. Combined with the author's working experience in Chenggong Judicial Bureau and the rich consulting cases of experts, the author compiled the initial psychological correction assessment questionnaire for community correction personnel. In the end, 292 members of Wuhua District Judicial Bureau of Yunnan Province and 138 Community Corrections staff of Xuanwei City Judicial Bureau of Qujing were selected to carry out the questionnaire. After data recovery, item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, statistical test of reliability and validity, elimination of inappropriate topics and final questionnaire were formed. Finally, the present situation of mental health and the effect of community correction are discussed. The results of the study show that 1: 1. The questionnaire of Community Correction staff's Psychological Correction Evaluation has good reliability and validity, which provides the basis for the whole process evaluation of the mental correction work. Overall, the majority of community correction personnel positive attitude, correction effect is obvious. 3. Through the independent sample t-test and variance analysis of demographic variables difference test found: community corrector in different age groups in the risk of recidivism questionnaire there is significant difference, there is no significant difference in other questionnaires; There was no significant difference in the scores of community correctors with different marital status on each questionnaire, and there were significant differences in the self-injury tendency, antisocial tendency, risk of recidivism and psychotic questionnaire among those who were sentenced to community correction for different time. In the recidivism risk questionnaire, those who had participated in correction for less than 6 months had significantly higher risk of recidivism than those who had participated in correction for 6-12 months and more than 12 months.


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