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their children 在 社会学及统计学 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-12-19 08:38















their children

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        The study of cross-validity showed that the discrimination for 236 families through discriminate model accorded with the types of their children’s evaluation by the degree of 97.5 %.


        Status quo of research on influence of marital relationship of parents on psychological behavior of their children



        With worldwide trend of aging population and the flow of rural labor, the aged parents can not get enough support from their children, which challenge the family support for the aged in the rural area and present the problem for looking after the old parents.



        Education of Migrant Workers and Their Children and Its Solutions



        With the advancement of technology and the further adjustment of economic structure, the amount of the laid-off workers will be larger. Because the problem cannot be solved in a short time, the education issue of their children has become more and more serious and been a new social problem.





        The Influence of Tibetan Ethnic Minority’s Customs in Diqing Area on Their Children’s Socialization



        Based on a comprehensive analysis of the researches in this field, this dissertation explores and discusses the structure of junior high school students’perception of interparental conflict and its impact on their mental health, the causes and expressions of conflict in current Chinese people’s marriage and its concurrent and long time effects on their children by conducting three logically precise and relatively independent researches.



        Based on the research results, this dissertation suggests that parents acquire some knowledge of and skills in coping with marital conflict, understand the psychological characteristics of pubescent children, minimize the negative impact on children, turn the negative conflict into positive communication and an opportunity of reflection so that they develop together with their children.



        With the acceleration of the industrialization, urbanization and modernization of our country, lots of surplus laborers in the rural area go to work in the city, and this has greatly influenced their children's growing up well.



        Farmers began taking their children healthy growth of had a definite impact.




    查询“their children”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


      their children

    The unique genetic material of the subjects and their children can be used to study the remote consequences of irradiation by means of modern molecular-genetic techniques.


    Assessment of the Immune Status of Women Working in the Potassium Salt Industry and Their Children


    The control group consisted of women who had no occupational contact with salts and halite wastes and of their children.


    No significant differences between the differential leukocyte counts and immunograms of the women working at the OAO Uralkalii and OAO Sil'vinit and their children were found.


    The main parameters of the immune system of women and their children both in the first and second groups were within the norm.



    Using data from "The 1992 Survey on the System of Support for the Elderly in China" conducted by China Research Center on Ageing, this study makes a reassment and retest pf the existing literature about the impact of the number of children on familial economic support for the elderly. Weaknesses that may lead to misunderstanding in these research designs are highlighted and age of elderly and other variables are added to the new research framework. This article proves that eldery's age can influence the proportion...

    Using data from "The 1992 Survey on the System of Support for the Elderly in China" conducted by China Research Center on Ageing, this study makes a reassment and retest pf the existing literature about the impact of the number of children on familial economic support for the elderly. Weaknesses that may lead to misunderstanding in these research designs are highlighted and age of elderly and other variables are added to the new research framework. This article proves that eldery's age can influence the proportion of the elderly supported by their children. A multiple regression analysis which controls for elderly's age and other independent variables demonstrates the significant role of the number of children in family support for the elderly. Impacts of other independent variables on net support provided by children are also examined. Finally,some theoretical and methodological problems in studying support by children are discussed.


    In recent years, research on the elderly issues in China has largely concentrated on the economic support or economic security. This has become an increasingly important and difficult problem with collapsing of the previous security system in the context of the market economy. The vast majority of the retired workers do not enjoy well-off pensions, and 80% the Chinese elderly live in rural areas where basically on social security systems exist. At the same time, the past decade has seen a declining trend in...

    In recent years, research on the elderly issues in China has largely concentrated on the economic support or economic security. This has become an increasingly important and difficult problem with collapsing of the previous security system in the context of the market economy. The vast majority of the retired workers do not enjoy well-off pensions, and 80% the Chinese elderly live in rural areas where basically on social security systems exist. At the same time, the past decade has seen a declining trend in the extent to which the elderly depend on their children. Fertility decline and intensified migration and mobility of the younger generations associated with industrialization and modernization has brought new challenges to the traditional family support as well as to the social support in China. Currently there are at least four questions need to be addressed in social support. First, the weak economic base has determined insufficient resources for old support, Second, the social support system has been imperfect, especially the resources guaranteeing mechanisms , Third, there has been insufficient ways in which the social and family support are integrated; and Finally, the government has not assumed enough responsibilities. To deepen the discussion of the problem, 3 scholars are invited to write on this topic concerning various aspects of social support for the elderly in China.

    背景 近年来,,中国的老年人问题研究多集中于老年人的经济上的“养”的问题,或者说是集中于老年人的经济保障问题。因为,在目前社会经济条件下,我国退休老年人的经济收入普遍并不充裕,绝大多数老年人生活在农村,他们在经济上基本上不能享受到社会保障。同时,我国老年人在经济上依靠子女保障的程度正趋于下降。因此,老年人的经济保障正在成为一个愈来愈重要和紧迫的问题。 我国正在经历快速的工业化、现代化的过程。随着人口的工业化从业比重的增加和家庭养老职能的弱化,以及子女一代迁移、流动性的增强,城市化步伐不断加快,市场经济的快速发展,都对发展和完善我国的社会化养老制度提出了新的课题。 发展社会化养老已经基本上成为学术界的共识。但是,如何发展,目前我国社会化养老的问题在哪里,如何制定切实可行的、具有中国特色的社会化养老体制?仍然是明显的问题。 同时,在养老方式的选择上,很多研究更关注于发扬和巩固传统的家庭养老方式,也有些研究专注于将社会化养老与家庭养老结合起来,但是如何实现这种结合,尚需深入探讨。社会化养老应如何发展已然构成我国养老方式的重要内容,需要从具体发展机制上子以深入的研究。

    With the extension of the average life span,many people start their second life cycles,due to the recovery of physiological function.The existence of the aging society is the result of many different social ecological factors.Bearing their children,the elderly have devoted their lives to the development of the society.As a kind of delayed payment for what they did in the past,they now share the product of the society.Exploiting the resourses of the elderly will not noly meet the need to develop our...

    With the extension of the average life span,many people start their second life cycles,due to the recovery of physiological function.The existence of the aging society is the result of many different social ecological factors.Bearing their children,the elderly have devoted their lives to the development of the society.As a kind of delayed payment for what they did in the past,they now share the product of the society.Exploiting the resourses of the elderly will not noly meet the need to develop our country by science and education,but also support them by doing useful things for the society.

    随着人的平均寿命的不断延长 ,在更年期的调整变化中 ,不少人的内在生理机能出现了复苏现象 ,从而开始生命过程的第二周期。老龄化社会的出现是多种社会生态因素复合作用的结果。老年人繁衍了后代 ,为社会的进步 ,各项事业的发展 ,付出了毕生的精力和智慧 ,他们现在共享社会发展的成果 ,是过去劳动的延期支付。老年人才资源的“二次开发”,既是“科教兴国”的客观需要 ,又可以“为”促“养”


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