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【摘要】:《史记》在中国历史典籍英译中占有重要地位。在中国典籍英译本越来越多的被介绍到西方的世界背景下,研究典籍术语的充分性并提出一套较完整的术语英译对正确传播中国传统文化有深远影响。由于典籍术语英译的复杂性,统一术语标准并提出一套相对完善的术语翻译策略仍面临巨大挑战。典籍术语英译的现状是:英译难点多,现有的术语英译版本不一致显著,充分性不尽相同。术语翻译研究中对术语充分性的分析具有根基作用。 本文以中国汉代以前官制机构中官职术语为依据,以Burton Watson、William H. Nienhauser,Jr.和杨宪益的《史记》英译文中汉代以前的官职术语的英译文为语料,从中央官职,地方官职和爵位级别三个方面划分不同的官职术语,以基于源语为中心的“充分性”为理论框架,在“意义”、“对等”等理论共同制约下讨论翻译的“充分性”,从历时意义、共时意义、译者解读和译文风格等角度,同时参考英国国家语料库(BNC)和美国国家语料库(COCA)等英语国家大型语料库和Charles O. Hucker编纂的词典adictionary of official titles in imperial China,分析三位不同译者对《史记》官职术语英译本中“充分性”原则的体现,进而鉴别不同译者对术语的翻译是否充分。 本文主要分为五个部分:引言;翻译中的充分性分析;术语翻译;基于英国国家语料库(BNC)和美国国家语料库(COCA)等的《史记》中汉代以前官职术语英译本的充分性数据分析;汉代以前官职术语英译本的充分性差异分析。 本文从意思和对等层面界定了汉代以前每一个官职术语英译文的充分性,为读者提供了翻译该术语的参考。
【关键词】:《史记》 充分性 汉代以前 官职 术语
  • 摘要4-5
  • Abstract5-9
  • Chapter 1 Introduction9-12
  • Chapter 2 Adequacy in Translation12-18
  • 2.1 Source Text-Oriented Adequacy12
  • 2.2 Target Text-Oriented Adequacy12-14
  • 2.3 Adequacy and Meaning14
  • 2.4 Adequacy and Equivalence14-18
  • Chapter 3 Term Translation18-19
  • 3.1 Defining Term18
  • 3.2 Translation Studies on Terms18-19
  • Chapter 4 Adequacy Discrepancies among Translations for Pre-Han Official Titles in ShiJi19-43
  • 4.1 Pre-Han Official Titles19-26
  • 4.1.1 Official Titles in the Xia Dynasty19-20
  • 4.1.2 Official Titles in the Shang Dynasty20-21
  • 4.1.3 Official Titles in the Zhou Dynasty21-22
  • 4.1.4 Official Titles in Chunqiu(the Spring and Autumn Period)22-23
  • 4.1.5 Official Titles in Zhanguo(the Warring States Period)23-25
  • 4.1.6 Official Titles in the Qin Dynasty25-26
  • 4.2 Translations of Central Government Official Titles in Shi Ji26-37
  • 4.2.1 Translations of Central Government Official Titles in the Xia Dynasty26-27
  • 4.2.2 Translations of Central Government Official Titles in the Shang Dynasty27
  • 4.2.3 Translations of Central Government Official Titles in the Zhou Dynasty27
  • 4.2.4 Translations of Central Government Official Titles in Chunqiu(the Spring and Autumn Period)27-28
  • 4.2.5 Translations of Central Government Official Titles in Zhanguo(the Warring States Period)28-35
  • 4.2.6 Central Government Official Titles in the Qin Dynasty35-37
  • 4.3 Translations of County Official Titles in Shi Ji37-39
  • 4.3.1 Translations of County Official Titles in the Xia Dynasty37
  • 4.3.2 Translations of County Official Titles in the Shang Dynasty37
  • 4.3.3 Translations of County Official Titles in the Zhou Dynasty37-38
  • 4.3.4 Translations of County Official Titles in Chunqiu(the Spring and Autumn Period)38
  • 4.3.5 Translations of County Official Titles in Zhanguo(the Warring States Period)38
  • 4.3.6 Translations of County Ofifcial Titles in the Qin Dynasty38-39
  • 4.4 Ranks of Nobility in Shi Ji39-43
  • 4.4.1 Ranks of Nobility in the Xia Dynasty39
  • 4.4.2 Ranks of Nobility in the Shang Dynasty39
  • 4.4.3 Ranks of Nobility in the Zhou Dynasty39-40
  • 4.4.4 Ranks of Nobility in Chunqiu(the Spring and Autumn Period)40
  • 4.4.5 Ranks of Nobility in Zhanguo(the Warring States Period)40-42
  • 4.4.6 Ranks of Nobility in the Qin Dynasty42-43
  • Chapter 5 Analysis of Adequacy among Translations for Pre-Han Official Titles in Shi Ji43-70
  • 5.1 Synchronic Analysis and Translation Adequacy43-67
  • 5.1.1 Adequacy Analysis of Translations in the Xia Dynasty43-44
  • 5.1.2 Adequacy Analysis of Translations in the Shang Dynasty44-46
  • 5.1.3 Adequacy Analysis of Translations in the Zhou Dynasty46-48
  • 5.1.4 Adequacy Analysis of Translations in Chunqiu(the Spring and Autumn Period)48-51
  • 5.1.5 Adequacy Analysis of Translations in Zhanguo(the Warring States Period)51-63
  • 5.1.6 Translation Adequacy Analysis in the Qin Dynasty63-67
  • 5.2 Diachronic Analysis and Translation Adequacy67-68
  • 5.3 Translator's Different Interpretations of the Source Titles68
  • 5.4 Stylistic Differences Among the Title Translations68-70
  • Chapter 6 Conclusion70-71
  • Bibliography71-73
  • 攻读硕士学位期间发表学术论文情况73-74
  • Acknowledgements74-75


中国期刊全文数据库 前7条

1 吴芳;张龙宽;;简论中国古代官职名称翻译[J];长春师范学院学报(人文社会科学版);2009年11期

2 张锦文;英汉术语翻译与双语词典编纂问题[J];辞书研究;2002年04期

3 卢冰;;译者的选择与适应——以《红楼梦》中官职英译为例[J];长春理工大学学报(社会科学版);2013年01期

4 沈小仙;;论古代官名与称谓语的关系[J];哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版);2006年02期

5 孟令霞;;从术语学角度看术语翻译[J];中国科技翻译;2011年02期

6 郑述谱;关于术语及术语学[J];外语学刊;2001年02期

7 姜望琪;论术语翻译的标准[J];上海翻译;2005年S1期





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