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发布时间:2022-11-09 18:47
  本篇论文主要研究贸易开放如何影响塞拉利昂的经济增长和减贫。研究期间是从1980年到2016年。所用时间序列数据主要来源于世界银行官方网站公布的用于实证分析的数据。论文中使用的计量估计技术方法包括增强Dickey Fuller(ADF)检验,Johansen协整检验,Granger因果检验,误差修正模型,脉冲响应函数和普通最小二乘法(OLS)等。论文实证检验的单位根检验结果表明,论文中两个计量模型使用的时间序列的一阶差分是平稳的。对于贸易开放-经济增长模型的实证分析,Johansen协整检验表明存在一个协整方程,意味着该模型中使用的变量之间存在长期均衡关系。接下来的误差修正模型(ECM)结果揭示了模型中使用的变量的短期调整速度。结果表明,LGDP的负估计值为0.057,表明其逆转回其长期均衡的速度,即每年纠正约5.7%的GDP误差。作为交易开放变量的LTRAD也具有约0.44的负系数,表示其调整到均衡的速度,每年纠正约44.0%的贸易开放变量误差。本文的主要目的之一是找出贸易开放影响塞拉利昂经济增长和减贫的渠道。论文将贸易开放度变量与塞拉利昂经济的农业部门(LTRAD*AGR)设置成交互... 

【文章页数】:157 页


CHAPTER ONE Introduction
    1.0. Introduction
    1.1. Background of the Study
    1.2. Research Problem
    1.3. Research Questions
    1.4. Research Objectives
    1.5. Research Hypotheses
    1.6. Significance and Innovation Point of the Study
    1.7. Organization of the Study
CHAPTER TWO Literature Review-Theoretical Framework
    2.0. Introduction
    2.1. Definition of Concepts
    2.2. Theories of Economic Growth and Poverty
        2.2.1. Theories of Economic growth
            Classical growth theory
            Solow-Swan model
            Endogenous Growth Theory
        2.2.2. Theories Explaining Poverty
            Behavioral or decision-based theory
            The sub-culture of poverty theory
            The Monetary Approach to Poverty
    2.3. How Trade Openness Influence Poverty Reduction in Sierra Leone
    2.4. Theories of International Trade
        New Trade Theory
    2.5. Trade Policies of Sierra Leone
    2.6. Empirical Review
CHAPTER THREE Case Study of Sierra Leone: Trend Analysis
    3.0. Introduction
    3.1. General Economic Overview of Sierra Leone
    3.2. Gross Domestic Product(GDP,Current US$)Trend Analysis of Sierra Leone,1980-2016
    3.3. Export of Goods and Services(% of BoP,Current US$)of Sierra Leone,1980-2016
    3.4. Import of Goods and Services(% of BoP,Current US$)of Sierra Leone,1980-2016
    3.5. Foreign Direct Investment Net Inflows(% of Current US$)of Sierra Leone,1980-2016
    3.6. Household Final Consumption Expenditure(% of Current US$)of Sierra Leone,1980-2016
    3.7. Balance of Trade(Current US$)of Sierra Leone,1980-2016
    3.8. Relationship between Real GDP and Household Consumption Expenditure(Poverty)InSierra Leone
    3.9. Relationship between Trade as Percentage of GDP and Net Inflows of Foreign DirectInvestment in Sierra Leone,1980-2016
    3.10. Trade Structure Dynamics of Sierra Leone
        Major Exports of Sierra Leone
        Major Imports of Sierra Leone
    3.11. Trade Partners of Sierra Leone
        Import Partners of Sierra Leone
        Export Partners of Sierra Leono
CHAPTER FOUR Comparative Analysis of Sierra Leone with other countries
    4.0. Introduction
    4.1. Trade Development in Sierra Leone
    4.2. Importance of Trade to Developing Countries
    4.3 Comparative Analysis of Some Macroeconomic Variables between Sierra Leone,Nigeria, Ghana and Malaysia
CHAPTER FIVE Methodology and Model Specification
    5.0. Introduction
    5.1. Model Specification
        Trade openness and Economic growth Model (Model 1)
        Trade openness and Poverty Reduction Model (Model 2)
    5.2. Data Scope and Source
    5.3. Unit root test
    5.4. Cointegration Test
    5.5. Vector Error Correction(VEC)Model
    5.6. Granger Causality Test
    5.7. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Model
    5.8. Vector Autoregression (VAR)
    5.9. Impulse Response Function (IRF)
    5.10. Diagnostic Tests
        Functional form misspecification Test (Ramsey RESET test)
        Serial Correlation Test
        Test of Normality
CHAPTER SIX Empirical Results of Findings
    6.0. Introduction
    6.1. Unit Root Test
    6.2. Empirical Analysis of Trade Openness -Economic Growth Model (Model One)
        6.2.1 Johansen Cointegration Analysis
        6.2.2 Error Correction Model
        6.2.3. Granger Causality Test Results
        6.2.4. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Estimated Results
        6.2.5. Diagnostics Tests
    6.3. Impulse Responds Function (IRF)
    6.4. Empirical Analysis of Trade Openness and Poverty Reduction Model (Model Two)
        6.4.1. Johansen Cointegration Analysis
        6.4.2. Granger Causality Test Results
        6.4.3. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Estimated Results
        6.4.4. Diagnostics Tests
    6.5. Impulse Responds Function (IRF)
CHAPTER SEVEN Conclusion,Recommendations and Areas for Further Research
    7.0. Introduction
    7.1. Conclusion
    7.2. Policy Recommendations
    7.3. Areas for Further Research




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