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发布时间:2018-02-09 16:38

  本文关键词: 驳案汇编 贼盗 量刑 实体公正 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Sentencing, as a judicial activity based on the law and discretion of the criminal penalty, is the process of enforcing the law and has an impact on the substantive rights of the relative person. The basis and so on directly reflected the level of the law at that time. Whether the result of sentencing was fair or not was not only related to whether the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to the case were protected, but also whether the public believed in the law and the state power underpinned by it. Thus affecting the process of social stability and the rule of law. Our country has its own unique sentencing methods and principles in the legal process of thousands of years. It reflects the traditional value choice and judgment. Today, the sentencing problem still restricts the process of the rule of law and the people's legal belief, or we can improve the current sentencing practice by using ancient sentencing wisdom for reference, so that the rule of law can be realized. Let the people feel fair and just in every case, and recognize the authority of the law through one case after another. As the last dynasty of feudal society, the legal system and judicial model have matured. This is of great significance for reference. In order to understand the sentencing of the Qing Dynasty, the Collection of refuting cases is the most representative data. As a compilation of successful cases in the Qianjia period of the Qing Dynasty, the cases received are generally rerecorded from the original archives and files, with their authenticity. Comprehensive, authoritative characteristics and has a high research value. Through the analysis of the cases, in order to get a clear understanding of the judicial operation at that time. Theft cases have always been severely attacked by the rulers. The theft law is located at the head of the "Qing Law 路Criminal Law". A detailed study of the theft case in the Collection of rebuttal cases can generalize the situation of sentencing and beneficial experience at that time. The relevant cases of burglary and theft in the Collection of refuting cases reflect the appropriate penalty. The principle of appropriate, prudent and reasonable sentencing. In the course of sentencing, the offender is subject to a penalty comparable to the crime he has committed and the harm he has caused. In the case submitted by the governor, Most of the reasons approved by the Ministry of torture are unfair conviction, the fact of the case is not sentimental, the charges are serious and serious, the death or death is concerned, and the rate of failure is repeated. This reflects its discretion in sentencing and strives for a just sentencing principle. In specific cases, Judging the concrete behavior of the party in the case by ordinary people's reason, so that the circumstances of the case can be judged and sentenced, in order to truly punish the evil, to achieve substantive justice, which reflects its reasonable, Penalty is the sentencing principle of its crime. Each sentencing principle is embodied in a specific case, revealing the criteria that the sentencing person at that time insisted on in the course of sentencing. In the specific case, It can be analyzed that the sentencing people at that time hoped to achieve the sentencing purposes of "opening up a sentence without punishment," pacifying customs, stabilizing social order, and punishing evil people. At that time, sentencing was meant to pursue substantive justice, so that the villains could be punished. Let innocent people get reasonable compensation. At the same time, through sentencing, to achieve the purpose of crime prevention, Jing Su custom, and stabilize social order. In the case, it also reflects the sentencing person's choice of facts, circumstances, and laws. The rigorous determination of charges and discretion in the application of criminal law are also of great significance for sentencing in the present age.


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