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发布时间:2018-03-06 20:21

  本文选题:政府工作报告 切入点:美国国情咨文 出处:《外语电化教学》2017年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Collocation framework is a discontinuous phrase form from the perspective of co-selection theory. This paper probes into the similarities and differences between the typical collocation frames in the same genre, "the Chinese Government work report" and "the State of the Union of the United States". It is found that both of them converge on the "grammatical and grammatical words" collocation framework in the form of "1: 1". However, the collocation framework of "grammatical words" and "literal words" has different semantic trends in the "Chinese Government work report" and "the State of the Union of the United States". The collocation framework embodies the thematic features of the discourse. It also embodies the stylistic features and is the unity of grammar and semantics.
【作者单位】: 广东警官学院;


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