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发布时间:2021-05-10 20:04


【文章页数】:69 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the study
        1.1.1 Research background
        1.1.2 Theoretical background
    1.2 Significance of the study
    1.3 Organization of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Previous studies on modality
        2.1.1 Modality study abroad
        2.1.2 Modality study at home
    2.2 Previous studies on preface
        2.2.1 Preface study abroad
        2.2.2 Preface study at home
    2.3 Theoretical framework
        2.3.1 Halliday’s viewpoint on modality
   Modality types
   Modality expressions
        2.3.2 Functional categories of modality system
   Modality orientations
   Modality values
Chapter Three Methodology
    3.1 Research questions
    3.2 Data collection and processing
    3.3 Data analysis
Chapter Four Analysis of Modality in Prefaces of L2 Academic Books
    4.1 Analysis of modality types in prefaces of L2 academic books
        4.1.1 Modalization
        4.1.2 Modulation
    4.2 Analysis of modality expressions in prefaces of L2 academic books
        4.2.1 Modal operators
        4.2.2 Modal adjuncts
        4.2.3 Metaphors of modality
        4.2.4 Expansion of predicators
    4.3 Analysis of modality orientations in prefaces of L2 academic books
    4.4 Analysis of modality values in prefaces of L2 academic books
    4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Similarities and Differences in Modality in Prefaces of L1 and L2 Academic Books
    5.1 Similarities and differences of modality system
    5.2 Similarities and differences in modality types
    5.3 Similarities and differences in modality orientations
    5.4 Similarities and differences in modality values
    5.5 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Research findings
    6.2 Implications
        6.2.1 Theoretical implications
        6.2.2 Practical implications
    6.3 Research limitations and suggestions for future research
AppendixⅠ:30 Academic Books by Native English Writers
AppendixⅡ:30 Academic Books by Chinese English Writers

[1]认识情态在政治话语中的认知-功能研究[J]. 徐中意.  外语研究. 2017(06)
[2]基于语料库的中外英语学术语篇情态动词对比研究——以石油天然气类实验性论文为例[J]. 何力,班颖超,王淑雯.  长江大学学报(社科版). 2017(05)
[3]系统功能语言学视角下的英汉情态对比研究——以政治新闻语篇为例[J]. 任凯,王振华.  当代外语研究. 2017(02)
[4]英语学术论文语篇作者—读者互动模式的情态构建[J]. 齐曦.  天津外国语大学学报. 2016(03)
[5]中国学习者英语口头叙事中的话语评价研究[J]. 许家金.  外语教学与研究. 2013(01)
[6]前言中模糊限制语的人际意义[J]. 唐艺菲.  南京社会科学. 2007(02)
[7]英汉前言模糊限制语的对比研究[J]. 唐艺菲.  温州大学学报. 2006(06)
[8]中英文前言中的礼貌对比研究[J]. 梅美莲.  外语教学. 2004(06)
[9]论英语的情态系统及其功能[J]. 李杰,钟永平.  外语教学. 2002(01)
[10]中西著作前言比较与分析[J]. 封文和.  西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版). 2000(01)




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