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发布时间:2021-05-13 14:35
  随着我国中学英语课堂教学的不断发展,国家义务教育英语课程标准强调培养和发展学生的英语综合应用能力。英语写作是语言输出的主要形式,也是英语综合应用能力的重要体现。因此,很多英语教师更加重视英语写作教学。然而目前,我国初中生的英语写作水平普遍不高。因此,英语老师们都在努力寻找有效的写作教学法来提高学生的写作水平。本研究试图将王初明教授在2012年提出的读后续写应用到初中写作教学中。本研究试图回答以下两个问题:问题1:读后续写在多大程度上影响初中生的英语写作创造力?问题2:读后续写在多大程度上影响初中生的英语写作分数?本实验是从2019年9月到2019年12月,历时四个月。实验对象是来自辽宁省锦州八中的八年级两个班的80名学生。在为期16周的实验中,一个班为实验班采用读后续写进行英语写作教学,另一个班为控制班则采用传统写作教学法。这两个班的老师和教材都是相同的。实验工具包括调查问卷,测试和访谈。调查问卷和测试的实验数据通过SPSS 19.0软件进行分析。通过对实验数据的分析与讨论,结果表明实验班学生的英语写作创造力和英语写作都分数都有了显著地提高。此外,本研究还提出几点教学启示。论文最后指出... 


【文章页数】:55 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Purpose and significance of the research
    1.3 Overall structure of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Studies on the Continuation Task
        2.1.1 Definition of the Continuation Task
        2.1.2 Related studies on the Continuation Task
    2.2 Previous studies on writing teaching
        2.2.1 Previous studies on writing teaching abroad
        2.2.2 Previous studies on writing teaching at home
    2.3 Previous studies on the combination of reading and writing teaching
        2.3.1 Previous studies on the combination of reading and writing teaching abroad
        2.3.2 Previous studies on the combination of reading and writing teaching at home
    2.4 Theoretical foundations
        2.4.1 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis
        2.4.2 Swain’s Output Hypothesis
        2.4.3 Alignment Effect
    2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Research Methodology
    3.1 Research questions
    3.2 Research participants
    3.3 Research instruments
        3.3.1 Questionnaire
        3.3.2 Test
        3.3.3 Interview
    3.4 Research procedure
        3.4.1 Pre-test and pre-questionnaire
        3.4.2 Teaching procedures
        3.4.3 Post-test and post-questionnaire
        3.4.4 Interview
    3.5 Teaching samples
        3.5.1 Teaching sample of experimental class
        3.5.2 Teaching sample of control class
    3.6 Data collection
Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion
    4.1 Analysis and discussion of questionnaires
        4.1.1Analysis of pre-questionnaire in EC and CC
        4.1.2Analysis of pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire in EC
        4.1.3 Discussion of questionnaires
    4.2 Analysis and discussion of tests
        4.2.1 Analysis of pre-test in EC and CC
        4.2.2 Analysis of post-test in EC and CC
        4.2.3Analysis of pre-test and post-test in EC
        4.2.4 Discussion of tests
    4.3 Analysis and discussion of interview
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major findings
    5.2 Implications
    5.3 Limitations
    5.4 Suggestions for further studies
Appendix Ⅰ Questionnaire on English writing creativity of junior high school students
Appendix Ⅱ Pre-test
Appendix Ⅲ Post-test
Appendix Ⅳ Interview questions
Appendix Ⅴ Scoring criteria
The list of the research papers published by author

[1]赏读文学作品 提升读后续写[J]. 沈扬.  课程教育研究. 2019(21)
[2]核心素养视角下初中英语写作教学实施策略[J]. 冯武亮.  课程教育研究. 2019(17)
[3]巧用读后续写,提升思维能力[J]. 熊亦波.  基础外语教育. 2018(05)
[4]如何提高读后续写中的互动强度[J]. 王初明.  外语界. 2018(05)
[5]初中英语写作教学策略[J]. 王聪.  课程教育研究. 2018(33)
[6]核心素养视域下英语课程标准教学活动建议在中考命题中的实施[J]. 李萍,王小秀,胡亚蓉.  教育理论与实践. 2018(14)
[7]深度学习理念下的初中英语写作教学实践[J]. 杨政.  基础教育课程. 2018(10)
[8]初中英语读写结合模式促进有效写作教学的探讨[J]. 陈莲莲.  课程教育研究. 2018(13)
[9]读写结合,提升学生英语表达能力[J]. 廖芳华.  中学课程资源. 2018(03)
[10]综合性读写结合写作能力构念实证研究——中国英语能力等级量表框架视角[J]. 张新玲,张思雨.  外语界. 2017(05)




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