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发布时间:2021-05-23 03:52


【文章页数】:81 页


ChapterⅠ Introduction
    1.1 Background information of the study
    1.2 The significance of the study
        1.2.1 Theoretical significance
        1.2.2 Practical significance
    1.3 Purpose of the study
    1.4 Structure of the research
ChapterⅡ Literature Review
    2.1 Related concepts
        2.1.1 The concept of reading ability
        2.1.2 The concept of reading comprehension ability
        2.1.3 The evaluation of primary school students'reading ability
        2.1.4 Definition of graded picture books
        2.1.5 Characteristics of graded picture books
        2.1.6 Comparison of graded picture books and picture books
    2.2 Research on English graded picture books reading at home andabroad
        2.2.1 Research on English graded picture books reading at abroad
        2.2.2 Research on English graded picture books reading at home
    2.3 English grading picture books reading system and standards abroad.
        2.3.1 Accelerated Reader,AR
        2.3.2 Guided reading grading system
        2.3.3 Lexile grading system
    2.4 English grading picture book reading standards at home
    2.5 Related theories
        2.5.1 Input hypothesis
        2.5.2 Interaction hypothesis
        2.5.3 Schema theory
ChapterⅢ Research design
    3.1 Research questions
    3.2 Research object
    3.3 Research methods
        3.3.1 Individual interviews
        3.3.2 Questionnaires
        3.3.3 Test method
    3.4 Research process
        3.4.1 Selection of graded reading materials
        3.4.2 Reading evaluation method
ChapterⅣ Results and discussion
    4.1 Results analysis and discussion of the interviews
    4.2 Results analysis and discussion of the questionnaire
        4.2.1 Results analysis and discussion of the pre-questionnaire
        4.2.2 Results analysis and discussion of the post-questionnaire
    4.3 Results analysis and discussion of the test
        4.3.1 Results analysis and discussion of the pre-test
        4.3.2 Results analysis and discussion of the post test
ChapterⅤ Conclusions
    5.1 Major findings
    5.2 Limitations of the research
    5.3 Suggestions for further research
Appendix I Interview
AppendixⅡ Questionnaire
AppendixⅢ Pre test
AppendixⅣ Post test
AppendixⅤ EC of reading teaching design
AppendixⅥ CC of reading teaching design




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