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发布时间:2021-05-25 10:09


【文章页数】:56 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Research purpose and questions
    1.3 Research methodology
    1.4 Organization of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Relevant concepts of public signs
        2.1.1 Definition and classification
        2.1.2 Roles
    2.2 Previous studies on public signs
        2.2.1 Previous studies on public signs abroad
        2.2.2 Previous studies on public signs at home
    2.3 Limitation of previous studies
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Theories of conceptual metonymy and of cognitive construal
        3.1.1 Definition and working mechanism of conceptual metonymy
        3.1.2 Definition and operating dimensions of construal
    3.2 Motivation of construal underlying metonymy
    3.3 Feasibility of construal-based account of metonymies in public signs
Chapter Four Construal-Based Account of Metonymies in Chinese and English PublicSigns
    4.1 Metonymies based on similar ways of construal
        4.1.1 Similar specificity
        4.1.2 Similar prominence
        4.1.3 Similar focus
        4.1.4 Similar perspective
    4.2 Metonymies based on different ways of construal
        4.2.1 Different specificity
        4.2.2 Different prominence
        4.2.3 Different focus
        4.2.4 Different perspective
        4.2.5 Interplay of four dimensions of construal in metonymic differences
    4.3 Causes of the metonymic differences between the two languages
    4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Implications for and Application in the Writing and Translation ofChinese Public Signs
    5.1 Implications for and application in the writing of Chinese public signs
        5.1.1 Consideration of Chinese thinking modes and reading habits
        5.1.2 Imitation of the objective and polite English style
    5.2 Implications for and application in the translation of Chinese public signs
        5.2.1 Adoption of a construal way equivalent to English
        5.2.2 Adoption of a construal way unique to English
        5.2.3 Addition of metonymies in an English text
        5.2.4 Maintenance of the Chinese way of construal
    5.3 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Summary
    6.2 Major findings
    6.3 Limitation and prospects

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