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发布时间:2021-07-18 06:22

【文章来源】:电子科技大学四川省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:97 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research Significance
    1.3 Structure of the Research
Chapter 2 Literature Review of the Public Service Announcement
    2.1 Previous Research in Linguistics
        2.1.1 Studies in Pragmatics
        2.1.2 Systemic-Functional Studies
        2.1.3 Studies in Cognitive Linguistics
        2.1.4 Discourse Analysis
        2.1.5 Rhetoric Studies
        2.1.6 Sociolinguistic Studies
    2.2 Previous Research in Other Disciplines
        2.2.1 Studies in Communication Science
        2.2.2 Studies in Advertising Science
        2.2.3 Studies in Sociology
    2.3 Comments on Previous Research
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Reasons for the Choice of the Two Theories
    3.2 Appraisal Theory
        3.2.1 Origin and Development of Appraisal Theory
        3.2.2 Attitude Resources
        3.2.3 Graduation Resources
        3.2.4 Engagement Resources
    3.3 Qualia Structure Theory
        3.3.1 Background of Qualia Structure Theory
        3.3.2 Main Content of Qualia Structure Theory
        3.3.3 Relationship Between Qualia Structure Theory and Appraisal Meaning
Chapter 4 Methodology
    4.1 Research Objectives
    4.2 Research Questions
    4.3 Research Methods
        4.3.1 Data Collection
        4.3.2 Corpus Construction
        4.3.3 Data Processing
Chapter 5 Appraisal Resources in Chinese Environmental Public Service Announcement
    5.1 General Introduction to Distribution of Appraisal Resources
    5.2 Attitude Resources
        5.2.1 Distribution of Attitude Resources
        5.2.2 Appreciation Resource
        5.2.3 Judgement Resource
        5.2.4 Affect Resource
        5.2.5 Language of Evaluation
        5.2.6 Role of Attitude Resources
    5.3 Graduation Resources
        5.3.1 Force Resource
        5.3.2 Focus Resource
        5.3.3 Role of Graduation Resources
    5.4 Engagement Resources
        5.4.1 Heterogloss and Monogloss
        5.4.2 Role of Engagement Resources
    5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 Explanation of Changes in Appraisal Meaning Based on Qualia Structure Theory
    6.1 Changes in Appraisal Meaning of Appraisal Words
    6.2 Analysis Based on Qualia Structure Theory
        6.2.1 Analysis of Appraisal Meaning Generation
        6.2.2 Analysis of Appraisal Resource Change
    6.3 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusions
    7.1 Major Findings
    7.2 Limitations and Suggestions
    Appendix Ⅰ: Environmental public service announcements collected
    Appendix Ⅱ: Appraisal resources of environmental public service announcements collected
Research Achievements Obtained During the Study for Master Degree

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