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发布时间:2021-07-22 15:53


【文章页数】:97 页


Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research Purpose
    1.3 Research Significance
    1.4 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter2 Literature Review
    2.1 Previous Studies on English Writing Teaching Abroad and at Home
        2.1.1 Studies on English Writing Teaching Abroad
        2.1.2 Studies on English Writing Teaching at Home
    2.2 Definition of Reading-to-write Approach
    2.3 Studies on Reading-to-write Approach Abroad and at Home
        2.3.1 Studies on Reading-to-write Approach Abroad
        2.3.2 Studies on Reading-to-write Approach at Home
    2.4 Studies on Reading-to-write Approach at Senior High School
Chapter3 Theoretical Foundation
    3.1 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis
    3.2 Swain’s Output Hypothesis
Chapter4 Research Design
    4.1 Research Questions
    4.2 Research Subjects
    4.3 Research Instruments
        4.3.1 Writing Tests
        4.3.2 Questionnaires
        4.3.3 Interview
    4.4 Evaluation Methods and Data Processing Instrument
    4.5 Experimental Procedures
        4.5.1 The Preparatory Stage
        4.5.2 The Implementation Stage
        4.5.3 The Post-Implementation Stage
    4.6 Teaching Design
        4.6.1 The Teaching Method Used in the Control Class
        4.6.2 The Teaching Method Used in the Experimental Class
    4.7 Teaching Samples of Reading-to-write Approach in the Experimental Class
        4.7.1 A Teaching Sample of the Argumentative Article
        4.7.2 A Teaching Sample of the Narrative Article
        4.7.3 A Teaching Sample of the Expositive Article
Chapter5 Data Analysis and Discussion
    5.1 Results and Analysis of Questionnaires in EC
    5.2 Results and Analysis of Pre-test
        5.2.1 Results and Analysis of EC and CC in Pre-test in General
        5.2.2 Results and Analysis of EC and CC in Pre-test in terms of Vocabulary
        5.2.3 Results and Analysis of EC and CC in Pre-test in terms of Syntax
        5.2.4 Results and Analysis of EC and CC in Pre-test in terms of Organization..
    5.3 Results and Analysis of Post-test
        5.3.1 Results and Analysis of EC and CC in Post-test in General
        5.3.2 Results and Analysis of EC and CC in Post-test in terms of Vocabulary
        5.3.3 Results and Analysis of EC and CC in Post-test in terms of Syntax
        5.3.4 Results and Analysis of EC and CC in Post-test in terms of Organization
    5.4 Analysis of Interview
    5.5 Discussion
Chapter6 Conclusion
    6.1 Main Findings
    6.2 Pedagogical Implications
    6.3 Limitations of the Study
    6.4 Suggestions for Future Study
Appendix A Questionnaire
Appendix B Outline of Interview
Appendix C Pre-test
Appendix D Post-test
Appendix E Evaluation Standard of Composition
Appendix F Argumentative Article Employed in the Reading Task
Appendix G Narrative Article Employed in the Reading Task
Appendix H Expositive Article Employed in the Reading Task

[1]例谈初中英语过程性写作与结果性写作相结合教学实践探究[J]. 汤先荣.  新课程(中学). 2018(09)
[2]以读促写在初中英语教学中的应用探讨[J]. 战永佳.  中国校外教育. 2017(01)
[3]高中英语“以读促写”教学策略研究[J]. 倪双玲.  英语教师. 2015(12)
[4]立足文本 随文练写——高中英语课堂教学中的读写结合[J]. 顾素芳.  教学月刊(中学版). 2013(02)
[5]英语教学中的读写结合[J]. 朱红梅.  科技信息. 2010(10)
[6]“以读促写,以写促读”——“体验英语”视角下的教学模式新探[J]. 杨永林,董玉真.  中国外语. 2010(01)
[7]Output Hypothesis:Its History and Its Future[J]. Merrill Swain.  外语教学与研究. 2008(01)
[8]论高校英语专业精读范文教学与写作训练[J]. 胡宝莲.  南昌高专学报. 2007(06)
[9]英语专业低年级读写结合教学模式的实验研究[J]. 徐浩,高彩凤.  现代外语. 2007(02)
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[1]以读促写在高中英语写作教学中的应用研究[D]. 徐微微.哈尔滨师范大学 2017
[2]"以读促写"在高中英语写作教学中的应用研究[D]. 柳晓韵.南京师范大学 2015
[3]高中英语“以读促写”教学策略研究[D]. 秦惠康.华东师范大学 2011
[4]以读促写在高中英语写作教学中的运用[D]. 蔡皓生.福建师范大学 2009
[5]以读促写在高中英语写作教学中的应用研究[D]. 刘烨.西北师范大学 2006




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