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发布时间:2021-08-09 02:48


【文章页数】:86 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Objectivity and Significance of the Study
    1.3 Thesis Structure
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Writing
        2.1.1 English Writing
        2.1.2 English Writing Ability
    2.2 Studies on Feedback in English Writing
        2.2.1 Teacher Feedback
        2.2.2 Peer Feedback
        2.2.3 The Combination of Teacher Feedback and Peer Feedback
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 The Practice Community Theory
    3.2 The Zone of Proximal Development Theory
Chapter Four Research Methodology
    4.1 Research Questions
    4.2 Participants
    4.3 Research Instruments
        4.3.1 Testing materials
        4.3.2 Pre-test and post-test
        4.3.3 Marking Principles
        4.3.4 Attitude Questionnaire
        4.3.5 Semi-structured Interview
    4.4 Research Procedure
        4.4.1 The Methods for the Control Group
        4.4.2 The Methods for the Experimental Group
    4.5 Data Collection and Analysis
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
    5.1 Results of the Tests
        5.1.1 The Results of the Pre-test Analysis in SPSS
        5.1.2 The Result of the Post-test Analysis in SPSS
        5.1.3 The Experimental Result of the Experimental Group
        5.1.4 The Experimental Result of the Control Group
    5.2 Results of the Questionnaire
        5.2.1 Results of Questionnaire of Experimental Group
        5.2.2 Results of Questionnaire of Control Group
    5.3 Results of the Interviews
        5.3.1 Results of the Interview of Experiment Group
        5.3.2 Results of the Interview of Control Group
    5.4 Discussion of the Results
        5.4.1 Discussion of the Results of the Tests
        5.4.2 Discussion of the Results of the Questionnaires
        5.4.3 Discussion of the Results of the Interviews
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings
    6.2 Pedagogical Implications of the Study
    6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies
Appendixes Ⅰ
Appendixes Ⅱ
Appendixes Ⅲ
Appendixes Ⅳ Interview Questions
Appendixes Ⅴ Writing titles

[1]英语专业写作小组同伴反馈和教师反馈效果研究[J]. 刘永厚.  外语界. 2015(01)
[2]大学英语写作反馈方式的对比研究[J]. 周一书.  外语界. 2013(03)
[3]中国大学生英语写作在线同伴反馈和教师反馈对比研究[J]. 蔡基刚.  外语界. 2011(02)
[4]同伴反馈在英语写作教学中的应用研究[J]. 孟晓.  山东外语教学. 2009(04)
[5]英语写作教学:优化的同伴反馈[J]. 龚晓斌.  国外外语教学. 2007(03)
[6]大学英语教师写作反馈的现状与对策[J]. 李志君,徐志华.  安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2007(02)
[7]总体态度、反馈类型和纠错种类——对大学英语教师作文书面反馈的探讨[J]. 王俊菊.  国外外语教学. 2006(03)
[8]学生对写作互评的看法(英文)[J]. 费红.  Teaching English in China. 2006(04)
[9]中国英语写作课教师反馈和同侪反馈对比研究[J]. 杨苗.  现代外语. 2006(03)
[10]国外第二语言写作研究的现状与取向[J]. 王立非,孙晓坤.  外语界. 2005(05)

[1]教师反馈与同伴反馈相结合在高中英语写作教学中的有效性研究[D]. 郑天娇.东北师范大学 2013




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