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发布时间:2021-10-19 18:41


【文章页数】:77 页


Chapter One
    1.1 Background
    1.2 Purpose of the research
    1.3 Significance of the research
    1.4 Overall structure of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature review
    2.1 Introduction to key terms
        2.1.1 Definition of Incidental vocabulary acquisition
        2.1.2 Factors affecting incidental vocabulary acquisition
        2.1.3 Word knowledge
    2.2 Theoretical foundation
        2.2.1 Input Hypothesis
        2.2.2 Depth of Processing Hypothesis
        2.2.3 Noticing Hypothesis
    2.3 Related research of incidental vocabulary acquisition
        2.3.1 Related research of incidental vocabulary acquisition in listening
        2.3.2 Related research of words’repetition affecting incidental vocabulary acquisition in listening
    2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Methodology
    3.1 Research questions
    3.2 Participants
    3.3 Instruments
        3.3.1 Listening material
        3.3.2 Target words
        3.3.3 Word level test
        3.3.4 Vocabulary post-tests
        3.3.5 Semi-interview
        3.3.6 Statistical Product and Service Solutions(SPSS)
    3.4 Procedure
    3.5 Data collection and analysis
Chapter Four Results and discussion
    4.1 Results of the English proficiency level test
    4.2 Results of RQ1
        4.2.1 Results of natural repetition group–2 (speak)
        4.2.2 Results of natural repetition group–4 (same)
        4.2.3 Results of text repetition group-2 (language)
        4.2.4 Results of text repetition group-4 (speak)
        4.2.5 Results of text repetition group-8 (same)
        4.2.6 Discussion of RQ1
    4.3 Results and discussion of RQ2
        4.3.1 Results and analysis of the immediate post-test
        4.3.2 Results and analysis of the delayed post-test
        4.3.3 Results and analysis of the comprehensive post-test
        4.3.4 Discussion of RQ2
    4.4 Results and discussion of RQ3
        4.4.1 Results and analysis of the immediate post-test
        4.4.2 Results and analysis of the delayed post-test
        4.4.3 Results and analysis of the comprehensive post-test
        4.4.4 Discussion of RQ3
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major findings
    5.2 Pedagogical implications
    5.3 Limitations for the study and suggestions for further study
    5.4 Suggestions for further research
    Appendix Ⅰ Vocabulary level test
    Appendix Ⅱ Listening Material
    Appendix Ⅲ Post-test examination paper
    Appendix Ⅳ Semi-interview
The list of the research papers published by the author

[1]词汇出现频率对阅读与听力过程中词汇附带习得的影响研究(英文)[J]. 陈晓宁,滕锋.  Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics. 2017(01)
[2]听力与阅读附带词汇习得对比研究[J]. 常乐,王文婷,刘佳.  中国外语教育. 2013(02)
[3]听读输入模式下二语词汇附带习得的对比研究[J]. 王同顺,姚禹,许莹莹.  外语与外语教学. 2012(06)
[4]交互在不同输入媒质下对词汇附带习得影响的实证研究[J]. 连秀萍,黄鹢飞.  内蒙古农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2012(02)
[5]L2/FL阅读中词汇附带习得研究综观[J]. 梁端俊.  国外外语教学. 2005(04)




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