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发布时间:2021-12-11 10:42
  人类同时存现于物理、心理和社会空间,其中事体总是以长、宽、高为参数表现为一定的几何形状并占据一定的空间。事体空间位置的锚定在语言系统中用介词实现。与此同时,表征事体关系的动词在时间轴线上的位置的确定也需要介词来表征。由此可见,介词是在时空中定位事体和动作最有效的手段之一。没有介词,语言中名词和动词语义的准确表达就会变得十分困难。本文在以往传统介词研究的基础上,以认知语言学的原型范畴和意象图式理论为框架,以体验性、隐喻性和多义性为指导思想,尝试聚焦建构英语容器类介词的语义图式表征连续统,将无形的位置关系有形化,使语言学习者可以深入洞察介词所表征的语义与物理、心理和社会世界中事体与行为的对应关系从而实现对介词的活学活用。本文理论部分选用原型范畴理论将核心章节框架进行合理设计。首先研究单个容器介词的原型义,根据突显性和相似性应用转喻和隐喻理论将原型义向空间域和非空间域分别映射形成空间和非空间延展意义,最后形成以原型义为中心的语义网络。依次建构介词INTO,IN,OUT OF,THROUGH的单个语义网络后,根据容器介词相互之间的联系构建英语容器介词语义图式表征连续统。并且整个研究过程中都结合...

【文章来源】: 哈尔滨师范大学黑龙江省

【文章页数】:131 页

Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Significance of the Study
    1.3 Questions of the Study
    1.4 Methods of the Study
    1.5 Structure Framework of the Study
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Study Abroad
        2.1.1 Traditional Perspective
        2.1.2 Cognitive Perspective
        2.1.3 Evaluation of Previous Studies
    2.2 Study at Home
        2.2.1 Study on Prepositions
        2.2.2 Study on Container Prepositions
        2.2.3 Evaluation of Previous Studies
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis
    3.1 Prototype Theory
        3.1.1 Category and Categorization
        3.1.2 Prototype Theory
    3.2 Metaphor and Metonymy
        3.2.1 Definition of Metaphor and Metonymy
        3.2.2 Cognitive Mechanisms of Metaphor and Metonymy
    3.3 Image Schema Theory
        3.3.1 Definition of Image Schema
        3.3.2 Cognitive Mechanism of Image Schema
Chapter Four A Study on the Construction of Semantic Schema Representation Continuum for English Container Prepositions
    4.1 Semantic Schema Network Construction of Container Preposition INTO
        4.1.1 Dynamic Prototypical Sense and Prototypical Image Schema of ContainerPreposition INTO
        4.1.2 Extended Spatial Senses of Container Preposition INTO
        4.1.3 Extended Non-Spatial Senses of Container Preposition INTO
        4.1.4 Semantic Schema Network Construction of Container Preposition INTO
    4.2 Semantic Schema Network Construction of Container Preposition IN
        4.2.1 Static Prototypical Sense and Prototypical Image Schema of ContainerPreposition IN
        4.2.2 Dynamic Prototypical Sense and Prototypical Image Schema of ContainerPreposition IN
        4.2.3 Extended Spatial Senses of Container Preposition IN
        4.2.4 Extended Non-Spatial Senses of Container Preposition IN
        4.2.5 Semantic Schema Network Construction of Container Preposition IN
    4.3 Semantic Schema Network Construction of Container Preposition OUT OF
        4.3.1 Dynamic Prototypical Sense and Prototypical Image Schema of ContainerPreposition OUT OF
        4.3.2 Static Prototypical Sense and Prototypical Image Schema of ContainerPreposition OUT OF
        4.3.3 Extended Spatial Senses of Container Preposition OUT OF
        4.3.4 Extended Non-Spatial Senses of Container Preposition OUT OF
        4.3.5 Semantic Schema Network Construction of Container Preposition OUT OF
    4.4 Semantic Schema Network Construction of Container Preposition THROUGH
        4.4.1 Dynamic Prototypical Sense and Prototypical Image Schema of ContainerPreposition THROUGH
        4.4.2 Extended Spatial Senses of Container Preposition THROUGH
        4.4.3 Extended Non-Spatial Senses of Container Preposition THROUGH
        4.4.4 Semantic Schema Network Construction of Container PrepositionTHROUGH
    4.5 Semantic Schema Representation Continuum for English Container Prepositions
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings of the Study
    5.2 Limitations and Suggestions of the Study

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