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Research on The Financial Risk Evaluation of the Innovative

发布时间:2016-09-21 11:02



Research on The Financial Risk Evaluation of the Innovative Enterprise

Li Ai-li  Sun Xiao-yi  

【摘要】:The financial situation and financial demand have many uncertainty factors. Therefore, innovative enterprises need to clear their own financial risk profile and scientifically evaluate the risk status of affairs. From two aspects of financial indicators and non-financial indicators of risk,It set up a financial risk evaluation index system of innovative enterprises including investment risk, the risk of the turnover fund and management, the income risk , the internal environment and external environment, Human capital and RD cost. It comprehensively analyze the effect in financial risk. Using Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, it made an empirical evaluation of the financial risk of innovative enterprises.

【作者单位】:Shandong Pingdu audit bureau , Qingdao Guoxin City net construction Ltd.

I. INTRODUCTION Under the background of global economic new adjusting, it is important of the growth of Innovative enterprise for national or local economy. Currently. But, there are many problems for the development of the inovative enterprise. First of




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