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family status 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-11-07 20:45










family status 的翻译结果

family status     

  • 家庭情况(3)

         Microeconomic Analysis on the Family Status of Women



         The Influence of Urbanization Progress on the Family Status of Females



         It elaborates on the high status that women in Han Dynasty enjoyed from the aspects of marriage, family status and social identification.



         Culture and Self—An anthropological analysis of Manchu women’s family status during Qing Dynasty



         On the Family Status of Staying Wives in Rural Areas from Gender Dimension





         The conflict of aesthetics between sense and sensibility in Shakespeare's drama mainly displays in the following:to fight for love liberty and marital autonomy, the hero and the heroine fight with religious asceticism , feudal patriarchy of arranged marriage, feudal family hatred and family status idea.



         The former emphasizes the social identities, the latter the political status as well as the symbols of family status and clan reputations.



         In the Wang family in the Southern Dynasties Wang Jun made great achievements in literary activities and creation while the family was declining,which played an important role in maintaining the family status.

         在南朝王氏家族中 ,王筠的文学活动与创作 ,在家族势力日渐衰微的进程中 ,取得了较为突出的成就 ,对于绍续家风、保持家族余威、维护家族门第起到了重要作用。


         This article's writer attempts to sum up the connotation of the outlook on family status in the Tang Dynasty from the angle of connecting literature with culture on the basis of the concept of viewing the novel creation in the Tang Dynasty as a whole.

         本文在对唐代的小说创作进行整体观照的基础上 ,试图从文学与文化相结合的角度总结唐代门第观的内涵


         In Tang Dynasty, the criterion of social judgement was greatly influenced by the balancing of power system , the factors of family status and poetry , while the engagement of medicine has no status at all.





         ③All the patients were evaluated by measurement scale for quality of survival in breast cancer at 5 postoperative years including 6 items: body status(8 items), social/family status(8 items), relationship with the physicians(3 items), mental status(7 items), functional status(8 items) and other factors(specific items of breast cancer, 10 items);



         Methods: Evaluate the children's development status according to WHO “Z” scores, and analyze influential factors include the children's family status, the diet model and so on.

         方法 :采用WHO推荐的Z评分方法对儿童生长发育状况进行评价 ,并对儿童的家庭状况、膳食模式等影响因素进行分析。


         Methods The clinical data were collected by means of TSquestionnaire and TS family status questionnaire. The mlultivariableanalysis was carried out.



         Method Used family status questionnaire(self-made),family environment scales(FES-CV) and self-rating depression scales (SDS) to investigate 110 schizophrenia patients and 110 normal persons respectively.

         方法 采用自制家庭状况调查表、家庭环境量表中文版 (FES- CV)及抑郁自评量表 (SDS)对 1 1 0例精神分裂症患者和 1 1 0例正常受试者进行问卷调查 ;


         per capita income of family per mouth increased with the score in social/family status.





         Family status questionnaire indicated that there were 9 factors which hadsignificant difference between the case group and the control group . The 9factors were heredity、parental marriage status、bad mood during the pregnancy、asphyxia of newborn、poisonous matter 、children's over-tension in mentalstate、catching a cold recently、inducing factors and the heavy study burden oneby one.

         家庭情况调查问卷显示遗传因素、父母婚姻状况、孕期情绪不良、出生窒息、孕期接触有毒物体、患儿精神过度紧张等 9 个因素,病例组与对照组有显著性差异。


         Methods Based on the individual difference,disease condition and family status, The psychotherapy was performed on 178 cases patients in different stage (preoperative period ,operative period,postoperative period ).

         方法 根据患者的个体差异、病情及家庭情况 ,对 178例患者术前、术中及术后各期进行相应的心理指导。


         The data from an investigation on the elderly in both urban and rural areas showed that many factors had effect on family relationship and family status of the elders,such as education level,health situation,occupation and living area. There are three endowment patterns,living with sons and daughters,not living with sons and daughters,living in nursing homes.




    查询“family status”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


      family status

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    Socioeconomic determinants of the intra-family status of wives in rural India: Analysis and empirical evidence


    This study examines the role of family status and demographic characteristics in explaining the nearly 60% dropout rate for women in substance abuse treatment.


    The impact of women's family status on completion of substance abuse treatment


    Men and women were broadly similar in background characteristics, though different in current family status.



    Factorial ecological analysis is used to reveal the residential spatial structure in Metropolitan Toronto in this paper. The first result Obtained from a principal components analysis of 32 variables across 136 samplecensus tracts shows that family status construct, ethnic construct and occupation construct are major factors causing urban residential differentiation. The second result obtained from a cluster analysis indicates that the family status is of concentric pattern, the social -economic...

    Factorial ecological analysis is used to reveal the residential spatial structure in Metropolitan Toronto in this paper. The first result Obtained from a principal components analysis of 32 variables across 136 samplecensus tracts shows that family status construct, ethnic construct and occupation construct are major factors causing urban residential differentiation. The second result obtained from a cluster analysis indicates that the family status is of concentric pattern, the social -economic situation sectoral pattern and the ethnic group both concentric and sectoral pattern. The mechanism forming the model includes the motive force of the city development, the land value rule and the zoning bylaws of city administration, and the demand behavior of household.


    t the Interntaional Workshop on China's Agenda 21 held in October 1993, Professor Zeng Yi proposed three issues important to the field of population and sustainable development: 1) Promote basic education for children and impede the newly emerging trend of dropping out from school, 2) Improve the social, economic and family status of women and change the traditional "son-preference" ideology, and 3) Improve the social security system for the elderly to counter the negative effects of accelerating aging...

    t the Interntaional Workshop on China's Agenda 21 held in October 1993, Professor Zeng Yi proposed three issues important to the field of population and sustainable development: 1) Promote basic education for children and impede the newly emerging trend of dropping out from school, 2) Improve the social, economic and family status of women and change the traditional "son-preference" ideology, and 3) Improve the social security system for the elderly to counter the negative effects of accelerating aging of the population.


    Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics ofTourette syndrome (TS)and its psychological behavior problems.Methods The clinical data were collected by means of TSquestionnaire and TS family status questionnaire. The mlultivariableanalysis was carried out.Results Onset age of 39 cases with TS was 2. 5 to 11 years andthe ratio of boys and girls was 5. 5 us 1. Family history tie disorders was 25. 6 % (10/39). Sensory tics appeared in 53. 8% (21/39).Motor ties of head and face as first symptoms...

    Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics ofTourette syndrome (TS)and its psychological behavior problems.Methods The clinical data were collected by means of TSquestionnaire and TS family status questionnaire. The mlultivariableanalysis was carried out.Results Onset age of 39 cases with TS was 2. 5 to 11 years andthe ratio of boys and girls was 5. 5 us 1. Family history tie disorders was 25. 6 % (10/39). Sensory tics appeared in 53. 8% (21/39).Motor ties of head and face as first symptoms were 74. 4 % (29/39),in which eye blinking was 46. 1% (18/39). The most motor ties wereeye blinking,head shaking and shoulder shrugging. The most vocaltie was throat clearing. TS might be usually accompanied by morebehavior problems such as hyperactivity, learning difficulty, nightterrors, sleep-speaking, aggressive behavior and so on. Educationway of hitting-scolding was 66. 7 % (26/39). The multivariable correlative analysis showed that behavior problems of TS were significantly correlated with education way of hitting-scolding (r=0. 3796, P<0. 05).Conclusion The average onset age of TS is 6. 5 to 7 years andboys with TS is more than girls. TS is possessed of hereditarytendency. Sensory ties are regarded as the premonitory symptoms andeye blinking is the most first symptoms of TS. TS might be usuallyaccompanied by more behavior problems and there might be the effeet of harmful environment factors on its pathogeny.



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