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发布时间:2018-06-06 10:16

  本文选题:墙绘艺术 + 室内装饰 ; 参考:《湖南科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the times, the concept of life of the social crowd changes, and the requirements for life are not only satisfied by the food and clothing of the old era, but also the needs of the material, cultural and spiritual levels. The pursuit of beautiful indoor environment is also becoming higher and higher. The unique artistic characteristics of wall painting art itself can be integrated into modern interior design to form a unique aesthetic sense, and the development of interior design can also enhance people's aesthetic ability. Can improve the quality of the environment and create a spiritual and cultural satisfaction and promotion space for the public. The development of wall painting art has formed a new style in modern decoration style design and become an important part. Wall painting art adds smart rhythm to design in interior decoration style design. With its own unique artistic characteristics in the indoor environment design to form a unique artistic atmosphere, the application of indoor environment to give people a kind of spiritual release, thus also draw closer the relationship between people and the environment, and form a harmonious and unified atmosphere, Can use the environment space infinitely, combine the art with the space environment organically, open up the environment space, use the space to design the infinite spiritual space that people need, compared with the traditional decoration mode, the wall painting art is more diversified. The artistic, environmental-friendly decoration model has been widely welcomed by the public, and has become one of the main elements of contemporary decoration. Wall painting reflects the content, culture and people's lives are closely related to the integration together. In our modern interior decoration space design, we should break through the imprison of the inherent decoration mode, emphasize the practicability of decoration, further strengthen the artistic effect of decoration, pay more attention to the spiritual demand, The consciousness of ecological environment is gradually strengthened, so the art of wall painting innovates with the idea of "returning to nature". Through the integration of the unique personality of wall painting art in the interior decoration environment, this paper discusses the artistic space in which the masses have artistic feelings and aesthetic needs, which depend on and restrict the interior decoration space. Has certain cultural inheritance significance. In the era of global cultural integration, it has the role of inheritance, wall painting art under the influence of contemporary art trends of thought has a certain extension and expansion, with personalized, three-dimensional, ecological, diversified development trend, The quality of indoor space environment has a direct impact on people's life and health. The ecological decoration of the environment is more and more popular. It not only has practical functions, but also has certain cultural and spiritual functions. The wall painting art has a certain development direction in the modern interior decoration space design, it can combine the historical background, the region culture, the national characteristic to carry on the painting, In general, we combine wall painting art with modern people's inner emotion to design, which perfectly reflects the integrity of wall painting art.


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