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发布时间:2023-02-09 18:54

[Abstract]:In his life, Huang Tingjian wrote many Buddhist scriptures. For example, in 1089, he wrote the King Kong Sutra, in 1094 he wrote the Shurangama Sutra, and in 1094 he wrote quotations, such as "the practice of sitting in Zen," "the Tadotuozan," "the opening of the church," and so on. This not only shows the valley's interest in Buddhist scriptures. It is an expression of Buddhism and reflects his thoughts and understanding of Buddhism. < cursive books > paper, cursive book .33 脳 729.5 cm. 92 lines, 477 characters. Hidden in the Palace Museum. A quotation he copied in his old age. This piece of work is closely linked to the realm of Buddhism and calligraphy. It is an extremely important cursive work in the handwriting of the world. Therefore, it is necessary to explore it.


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