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发布时间:2023-04-03 18:24
  戴·赫·劳伦斯在英国现代文学史上占据着重要的位置;张爱玲则是中国现代作家中引起广泛关注的一位。他们对于20世纪早期各自所属社会都有细致的观察,对于男女婚恋,尤其是女性心理都有独特的见解。他们各自的代表作《儿子和情人》与《金锁记》也都拥有大量的读者,但很少有人对两部小说中有着诸多共同点的女主人公吉特鲁德和七巧进行对比分析。本文注意到这两位女性都因为不幸婚姻而由天真浪漫的少女变成了变态的母亲,因而探讨造成这种转变的外因和内因,进而对比分析她们身上反映出来的男权社会下的女性反叛意识。 作者首先对劳伦斯和张爱玲的整体创作进行了对比,分析比较他们在家庭出身、社会背景、婚姻和生活经历、对现实生活的评价以及所塑造的女性形象方面的异同点。接着对吉特鲁德和七巧进行了具体的对比分析:1)不幸婚姻对女人造成了巨大的伤害,让天真浪漫的少女变成了变态的母亲;2)人的反叛意识是通过他们的行为所反映出来的,吉特鲁德和七巧的言行则反过来体现了各自的反叛意识。3)人的转变是有原因的,而家庭不和、婚姻不幸对吉特鲁德和七巧造成的伤害是导致她们变态的主要内因;社会中男性权威、宗教信仰、风俗习惯、社会变更以及金钱势力是...

【文章页数】:67 页


Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
1. Introduction
    1.1 The role of the wife in the family—a feminist concern leading to this study
    1.2 Two 'bestsellers' on the role of the wife in the family: Sons and Lovers and The Golden Cangue
    1.3 Latest developments of the feminist critique
    1.4 Definitions of some relevant terms
2. Ailing Zhang vs. D·H·Lawrence: similarities out of apparent dissimilarities
    2.1 Similarities in family background
    2.2 Similarities in social and historical background
    2.3 Similar life experiences
    2.4 Similar attitudes towards reality
    2.5 Similar presentation of female characters
3. Gertrude vs. Qiqiao: from innocent and romantic girls to abnormal mothers
    3.1 Gertrude and Qiqiao: innocent and romantic girls
    3.2 Mrs. Morel and Mrs. Jiang: abnormal mothers
        3.2.1 Rebellious behaviors towards the husband
        3.2.2 Abnormal attitudes towards the children
        3.2.3 Abnormal speeches towards the others
4. Different cultures, but similar rebel consciousness
    4.1 Different cultures
    4.2 Similarities between the rebel consciousness of Gertrude and Qiqiao
        4.2.1 Unsuccessful attempt
        4.2.2 Lack of women's benevolence
        4.2.3 Cruelty to the weak
5. Personal and social factors leading to the abnormality
    5.1 Personal reasons for the abnormality
        5.1.1 Personal reasons leading to Mrs. Morel's abnormality
        5.1.2 Personal reasons leading to Mrs. Jiang's abnormality
    5.2 Social factors for the abnormality
        5.2.1 Social factors leading to Mrs. Motel's abnormality
        5.2.2 Social factors leading to Mrs. Jiang's abnormality
6. Conclusion




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