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发布时间:2019-06-11 16:55
【摘要】:维·苏·奈保尔(1932-)是一位印裔英国作家。他是2001年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者,也是世界上最著名的作家之一。奈保尔的作品与其人生经历密不可分。他的祖国是印度,出生在加勒比地区的特立尼达岛,最后定居在英国。多元的文化背景和多年的游历造就了他的多元文化视角。他的作品反映了后殖民时期处在双重或多重文化中的人们寻找文化归属感的困境。触及到了文化身份,种族,女性等当今社会所关注的问题。 本文以小说《浮生》为研究对象,分析其主人公威利由家乡印度到伦敦求学,之后又在非洲生活的经历,,揭示他寻找文化归属感的困境,解读他从对西方文化的盲目接受,到在文化冲突中的困惑,最后内心与家乡印度文化达成和解的心路历程。 论文由以下五个部分构成: 导论部分主要介绍奈保尔的生平及文学成就,《浮生》的主要内容,以及其研究现状。 第一部分从三个方面说明了威利在印度对西方文化的接受。虽然出生在印度,由于殖民者对西方文化的传播,威利从小接受的西方教育使他鄙视印度文化。他盲目地崇拜基督教,羡慕传教士所描述的西方生活方式,还很努力地学习英语。 第二部分分析了威利在伦敦学习时由于文化冲突造成的各种困惑。处在一个新的文化环境中,威利始终还在受印度文化的影响。无论是他的文学创作,还是他的爱情,都因为文化的冲突而困难重重。 第三部分分析了在殖民时期的非洲,威利因为和安娜的婚姻而过着殖民者的生活。但是非洲人所遭受的痛苦和对本土文化的坚持令他想起家乡印度也有着相似的情况。于是他对非洲人充满了同情和尊重。于此同时,威利也与印度文化达成了和解。 结论部分总结全文并得出结论。殖民时期的文化传播给殖民地人民带来了很大的困扰。处于文化冲突中的人们既不能盲目地接受外来的文化而彻底放弃本国文化,也不能完全地抵抗外来文化。尊重各种文化并选择性地吸收才是解决冲突的办法。
[Abstract]:Vesunebor (1932 -) is an Indian British writer. He is the winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize for Literature and one of the most famous writers in the world. Naipol's works are inextricably linked to his life experience. His native country was India, was born in Trinidad in the Caribbean, and finally settled in England. His multicultural perspective was created by his pluralistic cultural background and many years of travel. His works reflect the dilemma of people in the post-colonial period in finding a sense of cultural belonging. Touched on the cultural identity, race, women and other issues of concern in today's society. This paper takes the novel floating Life as the research object, analyzes his protagonist Willie's experience of studying from his hometown of India to London, and then lives in Africa, reveals his dilemma in finding a sense of cultural belonging, interprets his psychological course of reconciliation with his hometown Indian culture from his blind acceptance of western culture to his confusion in cultural conflict. The thesis consists of the following five parts: the introduction part mainly introduces Naipol's life and literary achievements, the main contents of floating Life, and its research status. The first part explains Willie's acceptance of western culture in India from three aspects. Although born in India, Willie's childhood Western education made him despise Indian culture because of the colonists' spread of western culture. He worshipped Christianity blindly, envied the Western way of life described by the missionaries, and worked hard to learn English. The second part analyzes the confusion caused by cultural conflict when Willie studied in London. In a new cultural environment, Willie is still influenced by Indian culture. Whether it is his literary creation or his love, it is difficult because of the conflict of culture. The third part analyzes the colonial life of Willie in colonial Africa because of his marriage to Anna. But the suffering of Africans and his persistence in native culture remind him of a similar situation in his hometown of India. So he was full of sympathy and respect for Africans. At the same time, Willie also reached a settlement with Indian culture. The conclusion part summarizes the full text and draws the conclusion. The spread of culture during the colonial period brought great trouble to the colonial people. People in cultural conflict can not blindly accept foreign culture and give up their own culture completely, nor can they completely resist foreign culture. Respect for cultures and selective absorption are the solutions to conflicts.


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