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发布时间:2021-01-01 15:25
  西方有句谚语“笑是一剂良药”。有诗人说:“你若欢笑,世人同喜;你若痛哭,唯你悲伤。”喜剧文学就是笑的载体之一。从古到今,在文学历史上的各个阶段,人们都能听到笑的声音。喜剧文学有她独特的魅力,经久不衰,为人们喜闻乐见,雅俗共赏。 作为一种特殊的审美客体,喜剧文学有她独特的美学特征。喜剧文学的美学特征是本文的研究对象。作为一种引人注目和引人发笑的文学现象,她存在于文学发展的各个历史时期,在今天仍屡见不鲜,长盛不衰;她包括多种文学样式如诗歌、小说、寓言、散文、喜剧和电影等文学样式。 本论文分三部分,第一部分为引言,在第二部分,作者深入分析了喜剧文学的七个方面的美学特征;第三部分为结论,总结了本论文的研究成果及研究局限与不足等。 在第一部分,作者介绍了研究范围、研究目的和研究方法。在基于对喜剧这一美学样式和文学样式的研究与讨论的基础上作者界定了喜剧文学范畴。喜剧文学包括多种引人发笑的文学样式如诗歌、小说、散文、寓言、喜剧和电影等。她以一种扭曲和夸张的技巧,通过模仿人性中的弱点和丑陋,使人发笑,揭露假、恶、丑,倡导真、善、美。 作者在第二部分,即第一至六章,论文的主体部分... 


【文章页数】:56 页


Abstract in Chinese
    1 Introduction
    2 Comedy in Aesthetics
    3 Comedy as a Genre of Literature
    4 The Scope of Study
    5 The Objective of Study
    6 The Present Study on Comic Literature
    7 The Methodology of the Study
Chapter I The Origin and Nature of Comic Literature
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 A Literary Review on the Origin and Nature of Comic Literature and the Author' s Analysis on it
    1.3 A Summary on the Origin and Nature of Comic Literature
    1.4 A Further Empirical Study on the Origin and Nature of Comic Literature
Chapter II The Object and the Conventional Images of Comic Literature
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 A Literary Review on the Object of Comic Literature and the Author' s Analysis on It
    2.3 A Summary on the Object of Comic Literature
    2.4 A Further Empirical Study on the Object of Comic Literature
    2.5 A Literary Review on the Characteristics of Conventional Images of Comic Literature and the Author' s Analysis on It
    2.6 A Summary on the Characteristics of Conventional Images of Comic Literature
    2.7 A Further Empirical Study on the Characteristics of Conventional Images of Comic Literature
Chapter III The Devices Employed in Comic Literature
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 A Literary Review on the Devices Employed in Comic Literature and the Author' s Analysis on It
    3.3 The Psychological Explanation of the Devices in Comic Literature
    3.4 A Summary on the Devices Employed in Comic Literature
    3.5 A Further Empirical Study on the Devices Employed in Comic Literature
    3.6 Rhetoric Devices Employed in Comic Literature
        3.6.1 Simile
        3.6.2 Hyperbole
        3.6.3 Personification
        3.6.4 Irony
        3.6.5 Paradox
        3.6.6 Understatement
        3.6.7 Parody
        3.6.8 Reverse
        3.6.9 Paregmenon
        3.6.10 Malapropism
        3.6.11 Pun
        3.6.12 A Psychological Explanation of the Effect of the Rhetoric Devices
Chapter IV The Language Style of Comic Literature
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 An Analysis from the Socio-linguistic Perspective: Register
    4.3 A Literary Review on the Language Style of Comic Literature and the Author' s Analysis on it
    4.4 A Summary on the Language Style of Comic Literature
    4.5 A Further Empirical Study on the Language Style of Comic Literature
Chapter V The Function of Comic Literature
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 A Literary Review on the Function of Comic Literature and the Author' s Analysis on it
    5.3 A Conclusion on the Functions of the Comic Literature: Entertaining or Recreational, Ironic, Subversive and Heuristic
        5.3.1 Entertaining or Recreational
        5.3.2 Ironic
        5.3.3 Subversive
        5.3.4 Heuristic
Chapter VI The Tragic Connotation of Comic Literature
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 A literary review on the Tragic Connotation of the Comic Literature and the Author' s Analysis on It
    6.3 A Summary on the Tragic Connotation of Comic Literature
    6.4 A Further Empirical Discussion on the Tragic Connotation of Comic Literature
7 Conclusion
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Major Findings
    7.3 Implications
    7.4 Limitations
    7.5 Suggestions for Further Study

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