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发布时间:2021-01-02 00:52
  作为剧作家、诗人、小说家,田纳西·威廉斯在美国戏剧界占有举足轻重的地位。他鼎盛时期的二十五部剧作中融合了如优美抒情诗般的戏剧张力和令人着魔的戏剧震慑力,并始终萦绕着挥之不去的孤寂感。评论家们普遍认为他可以称得上是有史以来最伟大的南方剧作家,也是最杰出的美国剧作家之一。 威廉斯的诗化戏剧争议颇多,在这些剧作中,他忠实展现了躁动不安的情感与两性的力量,精神与肉体的需求,从而构建了打动全人类的普遍主题。他的戏剧人物尤其是主角几乎都为被驱逐者。在这些人物中,女性角色最令人难忘。她们如迷雾天气中的灯塔,杰出的凸现于整部剧作,如《玻璃动物园》中的阿曼达和《欲望号街车》中的布兰奇。不能适应现实社会的她们经历了痛苦的幻灭。她们的性别意识及因此表现出的性征正是其梦想幻灭的首要原因。 长久以来,威廉斯的剧作因其主题和人物心理的复杂性,意味深远的不确定性而吸引了众多评论家的注意,从而使采用各种流派的批评方法从各个角度解读其剧作成为了可能。然而,这其中对其女性观进行全面彻底的性别研究却较少。虽然个体的生理性别与文学艺术创作关联甚少,社会性别—作为社会的经验特征的阳性与阴性—在分析作品及作家时却是至... 


【文章页数】:61 页


Abstract (English)
Abstract (Chinese)
1.0 Introduction
    1.1 Dramatic life of the dramatist: Tennessee Williams' early life
    1.2 Dramas of disillusioned females: the two towering plays
2.0 Tennessee Williams' vision of females: a gender study
    2.1 An introduction to gender theory
        2.1.1 An ideal of androgyny
        2.1.2 The division of gender types
    2.2 Mother as a key figure in Williams' psyche
    2.3 Madwoman as Williams' anima in his play
3.0 The Glass Menagerie: a memory play of deserted females
    3.1 Tennessee Williams' own memory: an apology to his family
        3.1.1 The parallels between the playwright's life and the play
        3.1.2 Williams' sense of guilt for deserting the female
    3.2 Analysis of the two major female characters
        3.2.1 Amanda: a deserted mother
   A terrible mother
   A complex feminine woman
        3.2.2 Laura: a depressed sister
   A chaste virgin
   A selfless sister
4.0 A Streetcar Named Desire: a modern play of demented female
    4.1 A modern play about gender conflicts
        4.1.1 Stanley and Mitch
        4.1.2 Blanche's challenge
    4.2 Analysis of the two major female characters
        4.2.1 Blanche: a demented woman
   A defeated heroine
   A complex feminine woman
        4.2.2 Stella: a desperate wife
   An ideal woman
   A selfless wife
5.0 Williams' ambivalent vision of females: an appeal to androgyny
    5.1 A comparative study of Amanda and Blanche as reference
    5.2 Affinity and alienation to females: Williams' quest for harmony
6.0 Conclusion
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