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魔法石的力量 ——《哈利·波特与魔法石》在中国的译介与接受

发布时间:2021-03-22 15:36
  杰卡.罗琳,二十一世纪最具影响力的作家之一,不断创造出版界神话的系列小说《哈利.波特》的作者。《哈利.波特》这部风靡全球的魔幻小说使这为单身母亲一举成名并晋身美国《财富》杂志全球富豪100人前30名。《哈利.波特与魔法石》作为《哈利.波特》系列小说的第一部于1998年出版,如今它已被译成47中语言,包括人口稀少的冰岛文,战火不断的前南斯拉夫通用的塞尔维亚,克罗地亚文,在全球售出近2亿册,拥有近10亿(全球人口的1/6)。我国10余家出版社争抢《哈利.波特与魔法石》的中文版权。根据此书改编的电影上映后,创下了全球8.5亿的票房神话。一时间电视,报纸,广播,杂志齐声喊着一个名字—哈利.波特。 本论文旨在从比较文学和文化研究的角度出发,摆脱以往单一的思维模式去看待文学翻译和翻译文学,以二十一世纪的畅销书《哈利.波特与魔法石》在中国大陆和台湾两部译本作为个案进行研究,对它在中国的整个译介过程进行分析,全文共分为五个章节,把该部作品放在中国儿童文学发展的大背景下,考察影响翻译的三要素:诗学观(poetics),意识形态(ideology)和赞助人(patronage),并借鉴接受美学相关理... 

【文章来源】:贵州大学贵州省 211工程院校

【文章页数】:89 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1. 1 Literature Review
    1. 2 Assumptions
    1. 3 Methodology
Chapter Two An Introduction to Harry Potter Series and the First Volume Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
    2. 1 Harry Potter and Its Sensation
    2. 2 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
    2. 3 The Author: J. K. Rowling and Her Idea of Creative Writing
Chapter Three The Translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in China
    3. 1 Studies of the Translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
    3. 2 A Comparative Studies Made Between the Two Versions of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: the Mainland-based and Taiwan-based One
        3. 2. 1 The Translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on the Mainland
            3. 2. 1. 1 The Main Translatress of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: the Ma Sisters and Cao Suling
            3. 2. 1. 2 Patrons
        3. 2. 2 The Translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in Taiwan
            3. 2. 2. 1 Peng Qianwen: the First Translatress of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in Taiwan
            3. 2. 2. 2 Patrons
    3. 3 Comparative Studies Made between Two Versions
Chapter Four The Reception of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in China
    4. 1 The Reader-Response of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in China
    4. 2 The Influence of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on Children's Literature in China
    4. 3 The Educational Meaning of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to Chinese Children
Chapter Five Conclusion




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