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发布时间:2021-03-23 04:26
  格雷厄姆·格林作为二十世纪英国重要的小说家之一,一直是文学批评界争论的对象,焦点在于如何对其作品进行定位,以及文学史上其应占据何种地位。由于格林在作品中对社会、道德、宗教以及人性等问题作以探讨,其被冠以宗教小说家、政治小说家、社会小说家以及获得较为广泛认同的现实主义小说家的名号。然而,格林同时被誉为杰出的讲故事大师,更有人将其视为通俗小说作家,原因在于其小说融合了通俗小说的刺激、兴奋与严肃小说的深层内涵。格林的作品大量采用通俗小说的模式,尤其是惊悚小说和侦探小说的模式,使其作品在吸引批评家视线的同时,获得广大读者的青睐。格林的小说拥有广泛的阅读群体,是畅销书,这种流行性一度被视为有损于格林作为一位严肃小说家在文学史上的地位。随着更多的评论关注格林小说中通俗性的一面,其作品的流行性所蕴涵的意义开始重新得以评价,同时其小说创作的意义也得以进一步挖掘。 格林在小说创作中所采用的文本策略是其作品融娱乐与严肃于一体的主要导因,其重点在于通过采纳并颠覆通俗小说的模式,使其成为传递小说严肃内涵的工具。在他的两部代表作品中——宗教小说代表作之一《布赖顿硬糖》以及格林自己所划分的“娱乐品”代表作《恐惧部... 

【文章来源】:兰州大学甘肃省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:88 页


Abstract (in English)
Abstract (in Chinese)
Chapter One A Survey of Graham Greene's Works and Some Theories Concerning His Dichotomy
    1.1 A Brief Survey of Graham Greene's Art of Fiction and His Works
    1.2 Literary Review of Greene's Works
    1.3 Dichotomy between the Highbrow and the Lowbrow in Literary Criticism
    1.4 Greene's Own Division between "Entertainments" and "Novels"
Chapter Two The Ministry of Fear: A Spy Novel vs. A Psycho-Social Novel
    2.1 The Ministry of Fear: A Spy Novel
    2.2 Undercutting the Deployed Popular Elements
        2.2.1 Undercutting the Concept of a Basically Ordered World
        2.2.2 Undercutting the Element of Escapism
        2.2.3 Undercutting the Hero as a Competitive Individual
    2.3 Double Pursuit: Fusion of High Art and Popular Elements
        2.3.1 Double Pursuit
        2.3.2 Double Pursuit: A Process of Humanization
        2.3.3 Double Pursuit: Lost Innocence and Nostalgic Past
    2.4 Multiple Interpretation of the Novel
        2.4.1 As a Psychological Novel
        2.4.2 As a Social Novel
Chapter Three Brighton Rock: A Pursuit of Crime vs. A Probe into Human Heart
    3.1 Brighton Rock: A Detective Fiction
    3.2 Undercutting the Deployed Form of Detective Fiction
        3.2.1 Undercutting the Function of Crime in Detective Fiction
        3.2.2 The Position of the Detective as Defender of Social Justice and Carrier of Punishment
        3.2.3 Devaluation of the Detective: Contrast between Secular Ethics and Religious Concepts
        3.2.4 Devaluation of the Detective: Conflict between Different Classes
    3.3 Multiple Interpretation of the Novel
        3.3.1 As a Psychological Novel
        3.3.2 As a Sociological Novel
        3.3.3 As a Religious Novel
Chapter Four The Significance of Greene's Art of Novel
    4.1 Greene's Art of Novel: Fusing High art and Popular Elements by Deploying and Undercutting Popular Forms
    4.2 Postmodernist Fictional Writing: Erasure of the Borderline between the Highbrow and the Lowbrow
    4.3 The Significance of Greene's Writings: Inheritance, Innovation and Anticipation

[1]格雷厄姆·格林长篇小说“宗教”主题初探[J]. 温华.  解放军外国语学院学报. 2005(03)
[2]现实主义的新发展——评格雷厄姆·格林小说艺术的基本特色[J]. 张莉琴.  四川外语学院学报. 2004(03)
[3]谈后现代主义小说——兼评《美国后现代主义小说艺术论》和《英美后现代主义小说叙述结构研究》[J]. 王守仁.  外国文学评论. 2003(03)
[4]逃避·反抗·痛苦——评格雷厄姆·格林的《布莱顿硬糖》[J]. 陈兵.  外国语言文学. 2003(01)
[5]后现代主义文学:琳妲·哈琴笔谈录[J]. 袁洪庚.  当代外国文学. 2000(03)




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