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人性深处的致命弱点 ——以弗洛伊德的精神分析理论解读阿加莎侦探小说中的罪犯性格

发布时间:2021-06-05 23:27

【文章来源】:华北电力大学河北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:60 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 A survey of Academic Study of Detective Fiction
    1.2 Evaluation on Agatha Christie’s Detective Fiction
    1.3 Theoretical Approach and the Design of the Thesis
Chapter Two Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory
    2.1 Foundation of the Psychoanalytic Theory
        2.1.1 Psychic Determinism
        2.1.2 Unconscious Motivation
        2.1.3 Life Instinct and Death Instinct
    2.2 Personality Theory
        2.2.1 Structure of Personality
        2.2.2 Development of Personality
        2.2.3 Anxiety and Ego Defenses
        2.3.T he Impact of Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory on Literature
Chapter Three Passionate Avengers Motivated by Love and Jealousy
    3.1 An Outline of the Personality of the Passionate Avengers
    3.2 Book Review—A Jealous Girl’s Impulsive Revenge
    3.3 True Personality’s Duration in Time—Demonstration of the Theory
    3.4 A Psychoanalytic Analysis of the Passionate Avenger
        3.4.1 Elsa Greer—the Embodiment of the Indulgent Id
        3.4.2 Jealousy in Unconscious—the Source of Aggressive Love
        3.4.3 The Ego’s Defenses—Denial of Reality and Projection
Chapter Four Psychopathic Killers Influenced by an Unhappy Childhood
    4.1 An Outline of the Personality of the Psychopathic Killers
    4.2 Book Review—The Indirect Criminal before the Curtain
    4.3 Social Background for the Emergence of Psychopathic Killers
    4.4 A Psychoanalytic Analysis of the Sophisticated Psychic Homicide
        4.4.1 Frustration in the Development of Personality
        4.4.2 A Sadist’s Denial of Reality, Overcompensation and Acting out
    4.3 The Everyone Murder Hypothesis
Chapter Five The Perilous Nobody with a Depressed Id
    5.1 An Outline of the Personality of the Perilous Nobody
    5.2 Book Review—A Discreet Country Doctor’s Boldest Action
    5.3 A Psychoanalytic Analysis of the Perilous Nobody
        5.3.1 Release of a Discreet Country Doctor’s Oppressed Id
        5.3.2 The Ego’s Defenses—Fantasy and Rationalization
        5.3.3 Death Instincts—the Primary Source of Sheppard’s Evil Acts
Chapter Six Conclusion

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