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发布时间:2021-06-17 18:36

【文章来源】:清华大学北京市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:52 页


Abstract (in Chinese)
Table of Contents
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Objective of the Research
    1.3 Significance of the Study
    1.4 Questions in Research
    1.5 Research Hypotheses
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 About Catcher
    2.2 Schizoanalysis
    2.3 Literature Review
    2.4 Critical Responses
Chapter Three Origins of Narcissism and Complex
    3.1 Definitions of Narcissism and Complex
    3.2 Definition of the Narcissistic Complex in the Thesis
    3.3 The Narcissistic Complex of Holden Caulfield
Chapter Four The Curse
    4.1 The Curse on Narcissus and Holden
    4.2 Relationship between the Narcissistic Complex and the Oedipus Complex
    4.3 Deterritorialization and Reterritorialization of Holden’s Mental World
    4.4 Root of Holden’s Alienation
Chapter Five Searching Process of Holden
    5.1 Obstacles to the Outside World for Narcissus and Holden
    5.2 Desire Plays a Part in Holden’s Fantastic World
    5.3 Controversial Hand of Mr. Antolini
    5.4 Phoebe and Allie—the Ideal Images
    5.5 Collapse of Holden’s Mental World
    5.6 Symbols of Innocence in Catcher
Chapter Six Terminal of Fantasy
    6.1 Doomed Fates of Narcissus and Holden
    6.2 Holden’s Change to be a Catcher
Chapter Seven Conclusion
    7.1 Comparison between the Destiny of Salinger and that of Holden
    7.2 Holden’s Ending
Acknowledgements and Announcement
Curriculum Vitae and Academic Paper

[1]精神病症情结透视──论杰·戴·塞林格《麦田里的守望者》中的霍尔顿[J]. 罗世平.  四川外语学院学报. 1996(03)




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