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发布时间:2021-07-20 02:17
  尤金·奥尼尔(1888-1953)是美国二十世纪重要的剧作家之一,其作品因“富有生命力,诚挚,感情强烈,有原始悲剧的烙印”(诺贝尔授奖词语)而荣获1936年度诺贝尔文学奖,奥尼尔本人也因此被称为“美国戏剧之父”。1956年,随着《送冰的人来了》和《长夜漫漫路迢迢》上演的大获成功,奥尼尔重新复活,他的几十部作品也都被重新研究。20世纪80年代始,中国的外国文学界关于奥尼尔的作品研究开始崭露头角并日渐形成一种气候。这当中奥尼尔1924年创作的《榆树下的欲望》一直被认为是其创作生涯中最优秀的作品之一。笔者在大量阅读相关评论及传记的基础上,对此提出质疑:“欲望”真的如此优秀和值得肯定吗? 本文分五章,第一章是序言,作者在这里首先指出,外国的文学评论界对奥尼尔的这部作品有正反两方面的评价,尽管赞成者居多。从20世纪80年代起在中国兴起的奥尼尔研究看,评论界对“欲望”几乎是一致的赞成、肯定,特别肯定其“对人性中贪婪本质进行深刻的揭露,具有深刻的意义。”面对奥氏的《榆树下的欲望》,不同的声音引发笔者从悲剧的角度重新审视这部作品,并同其后期创作的《长夜漫漫路迢迢》加以比较,以说明“欲望”的不足之... 


【文章页数】:68 页


Abstract (English)
Abstract (Chinese)
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Eugene O'Neill and His Works
    1.2 Eugene O'Neill's Contribution to American Drama
    1.3 Different Evaluation about Desire Under the Elms
Chapter Two The Essence of True Tragedy
    2.1 Definition of Tragedy
        2.1.1 Aristotle's Definition
        2.1.2 Hegel's Definition
        2.1.3 Palmer's Definition
   Dramatic Form
   Response as a Basis for Definition
   Attraction and Repulsion
   Structural Interdependence
    2.2 Essence of Tragedy
Chapter Three Analysis of Desire Under the Elms
    3.1 Contradiction between the Theme and the Background
        3.1.1 Plot and Theme
        3.1.2 Social and Historical Background
    3.2 Defects in the Portrayal of Main Characters
        3.2.1 Catharsis
        3.2.2 The Portrayal of Cabot
        3.2.3 The Portrayal of Eben
        3.2.4 The Relationship between Cabot, Abbie and Eben
        3.2.5 The Portrayal of Eben's mother
        3.2.6 The Portrayal of Abbie
    3.3 Defects in the Frame and the Ending
        3.3.1 The Time Arrangement
        3.3.2 The Ending
    3.4 Motive of Writing Desire Under the Elms
    3.5 O'Neill on the Rehearsal of The Iceman Cometh
Chapter Four The Portrayal, of Main Characters in Long Days Journey into Night
    4.1 The Background
    4.2 The Arrangement of Time and Structure
    4.3 The Portrayal of the Main Characters
        4.3.1 The Portrayal of James Tyrone
        4.3.2 The Portrayal of Mary
        4.3.3 The Portrayal of Jamie
        4.3.4 The Portrayal of Edmund
    4.4 The Use of Symbols
    4.5 The Motive of Writing Long Days Journey into Night
Chapter Five Reflection
    5.1 Objective Evaluation of Desire
    5.2 Correct Attitude to Things Foreign
    5.3 Lu Xun's Absorptionism
    5.4 Thinking of the 2002 Nobel Prize for Literature




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