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发布时间:2021-11-14 23:44

【文章来源】:上海交通大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:81 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 General Introduction of Journey to the West
        1.1.1 Identity of the author
        1.1.2 General Intruduction of the work
    1.2 General Introduction of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
        1.2.1 General Introduction of the author
        1.2.2 General Introduction of the work
    1.3 Introduction to thesis statement
Chapter 2 Comparison on Plots
    2.1 The adventures and regional customs, stories
        2.1.1 In and out the Tang Territory vs. worlds on and off the bank
        2.1.2 Leaving the Tang Territory vs. leaving the bank
    2.2 Battle between the justice and the injustice
        2.2.1 The Monkey King and feudality vs. Huck ( Jim) and the slavery
        2.2.2 Scripture group and human evils, ghosts vs. Huck, Jim and the bank people
    2.3 The kidnapping and rescue of the protagonists
        2.3.1 The kidnapped: Sanzang, the Tang Priest vs. the slave Jim
        2.3.2 The rescuers: The Monkey King and Huck
Chapter 3 Comparison on Protagonists
    3.1 The Monkey King and Huck
        3.1.1 Both “primitive”
        3.1.2 Both rebellious
        3.1.3 Both in pursuit of freedom
        3.1.4 Both with vernacular
        3.1.5 Both as heroic prototype
    3.2 The Tang Priest and the slave Jim
        3.2.1 Both impacted by religion and social systems
        3.2.2 Both partial failures
        3.2.3 80th as wanderers
Chapter 4 Comparison on Type of Writing
    4.1 Type of writing concerning the protagonists
    4.2 General type of writing as a whole
Chapter 5 Comparison on Social Significances
    5.1 Both works revealing the social realities
        5.1.1 The social evils in both adventures
        5.1.2 Adventures of Monkey King and Huck
    5.2 Both works implicit on political malpractices
        5.2.1 Against feudality vs. against slavery
        5.2.2 Agaist Cheng-Zhu Philosophy vs. for democracy
    5.3 Comparison on Religion-Related Aspects
        5.3.1 Profound impacts of Buddhism and Christianity
        5.3.2 Relations between individuality and religion:
   The Monkey King and Buddhism vs. Huck and Christianity
   The Master Sanzang and Buddhism vs.the Slave Jim and Christianity
Chpter 6 Comparison on the Epilogues
    6.1 Both protagonists being “compromising”
    6.2 Both works leaving imaginational space in the epilogues
Chapter7 Conclusion
    7.1 Conclusion of the research
    7.2 Limitation of this research
    7.3 Suggestions for future researches
    Appendix 1:
    Appendix 2:

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