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发布时间:2021-12-21 22:25
  诗歌的艺术魅力主要通过声韵形式和视觉形式来体现。声韵形式通常表现在拟声、语音联觉以及其他一些音乐手法诸如头韵、谐内韵、重复和行内韵等;视觉形式通常包括外视觉和内视觉两个方面,其中外视觉形式表现为诗行的外形构建,内视觉形式主要通过意象展现。长期以来,对中英诗歌艺术形式的研究大多停留在传统的修辞与文体范畴,对二者的比较研究尚未形成系统的理论框架。鉴于异质文化的碰撞将会激活人们的文学批评意识和文学比较的敏感性,也为了更好地理解和欣赏诗歌的音乐性和视觉美,作者在前人成果的基础上,对英诗和中国古典诗歌艺术形式上的趋同进行尝试性的比较研究,力图探寻异质文学的共同规律。 作者认为英诗与中国古典诗歌在声韵和视觉方面具有很大的相似性。首先,作者运用西方文学批评和中国古典文学理论来阐述中英诗歌声韵形式的共同点。其次,从外视觉形式,即整齐、异形来探寻中英诗行构建的共同特征。最后,从内视觉形式分析意象派诗歌与中国古典诗歌在意象营构的趋同点。此外,论文提出了七个创新点,作为比较文学研究的新的尝试。首先从人类艺术的起源——巫术行为去探寻诗歌的音乐性并阐明中英诗歌音乐属性的普遍性。其二,运用格式塔力场理论分...

【文章来源】: 安徽大学安徽省 211工程院校

【文章页数】:59 页

Abstract (English Version)
Abstract (Chinese Version)
ChapterⅠ Introduction
ChapterⅡ Convergence Exhibited in Sound Form between English Poetry and Classical Chinese Poetry
    1 Convergence in the Origin of Poetry
        1.1 Common Poetic Wisdom Manifested in Witchcraft in English Poetry(EP) and Classical Chinese Poetry(CCP)
        1.2 Convergence of musicality in EP and CCP
    2 Common Aesthetic Components in Sound Form in EP and CCP
        2.1 Western and Chinese Literary Criticism on the Intrinsic Study of Sound Form
        2.2 Onomatopoeia in EP and CCP
        2.3 Sound Symbolism in EP and CCP
            1 ) Sound Symbolism Based on Western Linguistics and Chinese Rhetoric
            2 ) Music, Sound and Feeling Based on Semiotics Aesthetics and Classical Chinese Aesthetics
            3 ) The Application of Gestalt Force- Field Theory to Sound Symbolism
            4 ) Cacophony of Consonants in EP and CCP
            5 ) Euphony of Vowels in EP and CCP
            6 ) Alternation of Consonants and Vowels in EP and CCP
        2.4 Alliteration in EP and CCP
        2.5 Assonance in EP and CCP
        2.6 Alternation of Alliteration and Assonance in EP and CCP
        2.7 Internal Rhyme in EP and CCP
        2.8 Repetition in EP and CCP
Chapter Ⅲ Convergence Exhibited in Visual Form in EP and CCP
    1 Convergence in External Visual Form in EP and CCP
        1.1 Neat Symmetry and Balance in EP and CCP
        1.2 Strangely-shaped Form in EP and CCP
    2 Convergence in Internal Visual Form-Imagery
        2.1 Influence of Classical Chinese Poetry on American Imagism
        2.2 Convergence between American Imagist Poetry(AIP) and Classical Chinese Poetry(CCP)
            1 ) Synchronism of Images in AIP and CCP
            2 ) Juxtaposition of Images in AIP and CCP
        2.3 The Peak of Convergence---------Gradual Identification with Nature
            1 ) Images as Viewed from Taoism and Western Aesthetics
            2 ) Further Convergence between Modern American Poetry and CCP
ChapterⅣ Conclusion

[1]诗歌语言的维度:“Image”与意境的差异 [J]. 洪增流,彭发胜.  安徽大学学报. 2002(06)
[2]儒道释文化的诗性精神与中国古代文论的诗性特征 [J]. 李建中.  文艺理论研究. 2003(01)




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