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把混乱带给秩序 ——库尔特·冯内古特《五号屠

发布时间:2022-02-28 20:26
  库尔特·冯内古特是当代美国文坛上颇具影响的后现代主义小说家。虽然冯内古特拥有广泛的读者群,他的小说更是跻身畅销书的行列,但是在大多数评论家眼里,他始终无法超越其同时代的一些其他作家如约翰·巴斯,托马斯·品钦。除了《五号屠场》获得如潮好评以外,“黑色幽默”这一标签成了对他及其作品的全部概括。而他的其他作品如《冠军早餐》同样是后现代主义小说的实验文本,国内却少人问津。本文作者在研读冯内古特《五号屠场》和《冠军早餐》这两部作品的基础上从后现代主义元小说角度出发对这两部小说进行技巧分析,并指出冯内古特独创性的运用这些技巧打破了传统的小说写作模式,为小说这一文学形式的发展做出了贡献。 作者首先简要介绍了冯内古特及其作品,同时还对国内外冯内古特的研究状况及成果作了简要回顾,突出本文的原创性和撰写的必要性,最后提出本文的中心论点。 在第一章中,本文作者对一些涉及后现代主义、后现代主义小说和元小说的理论进行了简要的界定和分析。 第二章分析了两部小说共同运用的元小说技巧,包括暗指,第三人称/第一人称侵入式叙述和嵌套式结构(“嵌套式结构”,中文语境未见成规译法,笔者试译)。热奈特的互文理论,帕特里夏·沃关... 


【文章页数】:77 页


Abstract (in English)
Abstract (in Chinese)
    1. Kurt Vonnegut and His Works
    2. A Review of Major Criticism on Kurt Vonnegut and His Two Novels
    3. The Aim and Significance of the Thesis
Chapter One Some Theories Concerning Kurt Vonnegut's Works
    1.1 Postmodernist Fiction
    1.2 Metafiction
        1.2.1 Definition
        1.2.2 Metafictional Techniques
    1.3 Historiographic Metafiction
Chapter Two The Metafictional Techniques Shared in Both Novels
    2.1 Allusion
        2.1.1 Allusion to The Pilgrim's Progress
        2.1.2 Allusion to Odyssey
        2.1.3 Allusion to Divine Comedy
    2.2 Third-person/First-person Intrusion Narratives
        2.2.1 Lay Bare the Novel Writing Process and Author's Criticism
        2.2.2 The Author as a Character in the Novel
        2.2.3 The Author is Fictionalized------Reader's Participation
    2.3 Mise En Abyme
        2.3.1 The Story Level of Mise En Abyme
        2.3.2 The Style Level of Mise En Abyme
        2.3.3 The Narration Level of Mise En Abyme
Chapter Three The Metafictional Techniques Employed in Slaughterhouse-Five
    3.1 Montage
    3.2 Parody
        3.2.1 Parody of Jesus Christ
        3.2.2 Parody of Garden of Eden
        3.2.3 Parody of Official Historical Writing
        3.2.4 Parody of Official Historians
        3.2.5 Parody of Official Historical Documents
Chapter Four The Metafictional Techniques Employed in Breakfast of Champions
    4.1 Metafictional Collage
        4.1.1 121 Illustrations Drawn by the Author
        4.1.2 Collage of Different Handwritings, Literary Genres, Signs and Arrangements of Printed Forms
        4.1.3 Self-coined Words and Meanings
        4.1.4 Collage of Erotic Details
        4.1.5 Citation before the Preface
    4.2 Open Ending

[1]虚构的另一种意义——重新解读冯内古特的《猫的摇篮》[J]. 尚晓进.  安徽大学学报. 2004(04)
[2]冯内古特新作《时震》与后现代主义小说特征[J]. 虞建华.  当代外国文学. 2000(03)
[3]后现代主义文学:琳妲·哈琴笔谈录[J]. 袁洪庚.  当代外国文学. 2000(03)




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