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发布时间:2024-01-04 14:53
  《我弥留之际》是美国南方作家福克纳于1930年的杰作。它通过叙述一家人荒诞而又艰难的送葬过程,刻画了一群思想幻灭与精神疏离的现代人形象,呈现给我们一个充斥着通奸、兄弟反目、弑父和背叛的“荒原”社会。这样一个主题意象的最终意图是表达出作者对现代社会中人的异化状态和生存困境的思考。由此,福克纳的文学关注也正如二十世纪现代派作家的关注一样,都是通过文学作品反思现代社会中的种种弊病。 但是作为20世纪杰出的文体学家和小说家,福克纳表现这个主题的艺术手法却是独到的。与乔伊斯的“交错式”意识流的表现手法不同,福克纳采用了“复合式”意识流的表现手法,即通过不同性格、不同遭遇、不同动机的人物的意识流动来叙述同一个故事,这样使得故事内容更加集中,使得读者更能关注同样的事件在不同人的内心产生的影响。如在《我弥留之际》中,他通过15个叙述者的59章叙述展现出多视角的叙事,而这种手法不仅能让读者全方位地了解人物的心态,更是从形式上表现了异化状态,因为这个叙事角度使得每个叙述者都是封闭的个体,都是精神上的“异化”人。由此,福克纳真正做到了现代派所追求的以“显现”(show)替代“讲述”(tell)的艺术效果。...

【文章页数】:50 页


Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
1. Introduction
    1.1 A literature review on As I Lay Dying
    1.2 The significance of studying As I Lay Dying from the perspective of narrative structure
    1.3 The thesis's chapter synopsis
2. Greimas' Narrative Structure
3. The Application of Greimas' Narrative Structure in As I Lay Dying
    3.1 The embodiment of semantic rectangle in As I Lay Dying
    3.2 Two prominent cases in the semantic rectangle
        3.2.1 The absence of seme "life"
        3.2.2 The dislocation of parental roles
4. Alienation, the Source of Absence and Dislocation
    4.1 Man's alienation from God: man's crisis in religious belief
    4.2 Man's alienation from nature: man's separation from nature
    4.3 Man's alienation from society: man's plight of existence
        4.3.1 The alienation between husband and wife
        4.3.2 The alienation between parents and children
        4.3.3 The alienation between sisters and brothers
5. Social Causes of Alienation
    5.1.Alienation caused by the decline of religious belief
    5.2 Alienation caused by the decline of humanitarianism
    5.3 Alienation caused by the dehumanization of modernity
6. Conclusion




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