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发布时间:2024-06-08 06:14
  1938年赛珍珠因“对中国农民生活丰富真实的史诗般的描述,以及在传记方面的杰作”而被授予该年度的诺贝尔文学奖。《异邦客》与《战斗的天使》这两部同样为其获奖原因的传记却未能引起广泛的注意。而实际上两部传记有助于解决至今仍有争议的赛珍珠的文化身份问题。 作为史料,这两部传记证明了赛珍珠的美国裔身份,及其美国文化背景。作为文本,这两部传记揭示了赛珍珠对美国文化的认同及其为美国文化所认同的原因。追寻第一世界的文化认同以及为弱势文化代言是赛珍珠文化身份建构中相互依存的两个方面。这两个方面相互支持,同时也相互干扰。当赛珍珠试图为弱势文化代言时,她无法排除来自强势文化的干扰。因此她的作品不可避免地具有一定的局限性。我们必须从跨文化的角度更加宽容地对待和评价赛珍珠的作品。但同时也不应过于主观地看待赛珍珠的文化身份问题,将她的小说提升到一个不恰当的高度。

【文章页数】:70 页


Chapter One A General Introduction of Pearl Sydenstrieker Buck and Her Two Biographies
    1.1 An introduction of the Author Pearl Sydenstricker Buck
    1.2 The Exile
    1.3 Fighting Angel
    1.4 Current research in China on the two biographies and the cultural identity of Pearl Buck
Chapter Two A General Perspective of Pearl Buck' Cultural Identity
    Ⅱ 1. The existing perspectives of Pearl Buck's cultural identity
    Ⅱ 2. The two levels of Pearl Buck's cultural identity
    Ⅱ 3. The significance of the two biographies in the formation of Pearl Buck's cultural identity
Chapter Three As Historical Materials, the Two Biographies Bear out Pearl Buck's American Background, Which Helped to Form Her Inclination to Seek for the Identification of the American Culture
    Ⅲ 1. American life-style in China bound Pearl Buck to America and established an American cultural background for her
    Ⅲ 2. Pearl Buck sought for American cultural identity by labeling and maintaining it with the American life-style
Chapter Four As Literary Texts, the Two Biographies Demonstrated That Pearl Buck Cherished American Traditional Values Which Was One of the Causes of Her Works' Popularity Among American Readers
    Ⅳ 1. The two biographies manifested Pearl Buck's acknowledgement of and agreement with Universalism
    Ⅳ 2. The characterization of Pearl Buck's parents manifested her acknowledgement of and agreement with individualism




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