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发布时间:2021-08-04 19:07


【文章页数】:83 页


List of Table
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 The Research Purpose
    1.2 The Significance of the Research
    1.3 The Methodology of the Research
    1.4 The Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Researches on Metadiscourse
        2.1.1 General Review of Metadiscourse
        2.1.2 Previous Overseas Studies on Metadiscourse
   Theoretical Studies on Metadiscourse
   Empirical Studies on Metadiscourse
        2.1.3 Previous Domestic Studies on Metadiscourse
    2.2 Researches on Register
        2.2.1 General Review of Register Theory
        2.2.2 Previous Overseas Studies on Register
        2.2.3 Previous Domestic Studies on Register
    2.3 Comments on the Previous Studies
    2.4 Enlightenment from the Literature Review
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Metadiscourse
        3.1.1 Definitions
        3.1.2 Functions and Categories of Metadiscourse
   Macro-functions——Halliday’s Interpretation of Metafunctions
   Micro-functions——Categories of Metadiscourse
    3.2 Register Theory
        3.2.1 Definitions
        3.2.2 Halliday’s Register Theory
        3.2.3 Three Varieties of Register
   The Relationship between Field, Mode and Tenor
    3.3 An Integrative Approach of “Register Analysis of Metadiscourse”
Chapter Four Case Studies
    4.1 A Brief Introduction of Golden Wedding
    4.2 An Analysis of Metadiscourse in Golden Wedding
        4.2.1 An Analysis of Textual Metadiscourse in Golden Wedding
        4.2.2 An Analysis of Interpersonal Metadiscourse in Golden Wedding
    4.3 A Register Analysis of Metadiscourse in Golden Wedding
        4.3.1 A Field Analysis of Metadiscourse in Golden Wedding
        4.3.2 A Mode Analysis of Metadiscourse in Golden Wedding
        4.3.3 A Tenor Analysis of Metadiscourse in Golden Wedding
   Levels of Formality
   Levels of Politeness
   Levels of Impersonality
   Levels of Acceptability
        4.3.4 Discussion
    4.4 Views of Marriage Presented by the Analytic Approach of “Register Analysis of Metadiscourse”
        4.4.1 Before the Cultural Revolution
        4.4.2 During the Cultural Revolution
        4.4.3 After the Cultural Revolution
    4.5 Summary
Chater Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Implications
    5.3 Limitations
    5.4 Suggestions for Further Researches

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