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发布时间:2021-08-05 05:26


【文章页数】:80 页


Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 A General Review on Language Policy Research
        2.1.1 Language Policy, Language Planning and Language Legislation
        2.1.2 Language Spread Policy
    2.2 Research on Language Policy of U.S. throughout the World
        2.2.1 Sociolinguistic-orientated U.S. Language Policy Research
        2.2.2 Sociopolitical-orientated U.S. Language Policy Research
        2.2.3 The Research of the U.S. Language Policy in China
        2.2.4 The Limitations of U.S. Language Policy Research
Chapter Three Theoretical Rationale and Research Design
    3.1 The Theoretical Foundation of Language Spread
        3.1.1 Ecolinguistics
   Language Spread and Promotion: From the Perspective of Linguistic Diversity
   Language Spread and Promotion: From the Perspective of Linguistic Human Right
        3.1.2 Economics of Language Theory
    3.2 Research Design
        3.2.1 Data Collection
        3.2.2 Research Methods
Chapter Four American Overseas English Language Policy
    4.1 American English Background—the Past and Present
        4.1.1 The Origin of American English
        4.1.2 The Rise and Growth of American English
    4.2 American Language Policy in the Past and Present
        4.2.1 Language Policy during the Colonial Time
        4.2.2 Language Policy during the Federal Period
        4.2.3 Language Policy of 20th Century
        4.2.4 Language Policy of Nowadays
Chapter Five Findings and Enlightenment on the International Promotion of Chinese
    5.1 Supports of American English Spread Policy
        5.1.1 Economic Support
        5.1.2 Technological Support
        5.1.3 Cultural Support
        5.1.4 Educational Support
    5.2 The Effects of English Spread
    5.3 The U.S. Language Policy’s Enlightenment on the International Promotion of Chinese
Chapter Six The Exploration of International Promotion Policy of Chinese
    6.1 Analysis on the Demand of International Promotion of Chinese
        6.1.1 The demand from the Development of both China and the World
        6.1.2 The Demand from International Society
    6.2 Suggestions on International Promotion of Chinese
        6.2.1 Appealing to Chinese People to Care about and Love Chinese
        6.2.2 Making English Learning Serve International Promotion of Chinese
Chapter Seven Conclusion
    7.1 Major Findings of This Study
    7.2 Limitations of This Study and Expectations for Further Research

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[6]我国外语教育规划的得与失[J]. 胡文仲.  外语教学与研究. 2001(04)




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