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发布时间:2021-08-07 22:16


【文章页数】:71 页


Chapter 1 Literature Review
    1.1 Politeness Studies in Western Countries
        1.1.1 Grice’s Cooperation Principle
        1.1.2 Leech’s Politeness Principle
        1.1.3 Brown & Levinson’s Face Theory
    1.2 Politeness Researches in China
        1.2.1 Mao Luming’s View
        1.2.2 Gu Yueguo’s Interpretation of the Essence of Limao in Chinese Culture
Chapter 2 Intercultural Communication and Pragmatic Failure
    2.1 Culture and Communication
        2.1.1 Culture
   Definition of Culture
   Characteristics of Culture
        2.1.2 Communication
   Definition of Communication
   Components of Communication
        2.1.3 Culture and Communication
    2.2 Intercultural Communication
        2.2.1 Definition of Intercultural Communication
        2.2.2 Properties of Intercultural Communication
        2.2.3 Concept of Effective Intercultural Communication
    2.3 Pragmatic Failure
        2.3.1 Definition of Pragmatic Failure
        2.3.2 Classification of Pragmatic Failure
   Pragmalinguistic Failure
   Socio-pragmatic Failure
Chapter 3 Analysis of Pragmatic Failures of Politeness in Intercultural Communication
    3.1 Intercultural Communication and Politeness Principles
        3.1.1 Fitfulness and Non-universality of Politeness Principles
        3.1.2 Effective Intercultural Communication and Politeness Principles
    3.2 Empirical Analysis of Pragmatic Failures of Politeness
        3.2.1 Pragmatic Failures in Address Forms
        3.2.2 Pragmatic Failures in Greetings
        3.2.3 Pragmatic Failures in Compliments
        3.2.4 Pragmatic Failures in Apologies
        3.2.5 Pragmatic Failures in Gratitude
Chapter 4 Causes of Pragmatic Failure in Intercultural Communication
    4.1 Causes at Pragmalinguistic Level
        4.1.1 Negative Pragmalinguistic Transfer
        4.1.2 Perception Failure of Speech Acts
        4.1.3 Inadequate Teaching Guidance
    4.2 Causes at Sociopragmatic and Cultural Levels
        4.2.1 Value Differences in English and Chinese Cultures: Individualism and Collectivism
        4.2.2 Difference in Communicative Patterns: Directness and Indirectness
        4.2.3 Different Politeness Strategies in English and Chinese Cultures
        4.2.4 Ignorance of the Hearer’s Status and the Situation: Improper Use of Politeness Gradation
        4.2.5 Reference to Non-free Topics
Chapter 5 Strategies to Avoid Intercultural Pragmatic Failure
    5.1 Strengthening the Cultural Awareness
        5.1.1 Appreciation of the Native Culture
        5.1.2 Knowledge of the Target Culture
        5.1.3 Avoidance of Cultural Stereotypes and Ethnocentrism
    5.2 Adoption of Empathy Maxim in Actual Intercultural Communication
        5.2.1 Definition of Empathy
        5.2.2 Steps to Realize Empathy
    5.3 Development of Intercultural Communicative Competence
        5.3.1 Improvement of Linguistic Competence
        5.3.2 Cultivation of Pragmatic Competence

[1]跨文化交际中称呼语的礼貌规范与语用失误[J]. 唐兴红,刘绍忠.  外语与外语教学. 2004(10)
[2]语用失误研究在中国[J]. 孙亚,戴凌.  外语与外语教学. 2002(03)
[3]礼貌、语用与文化[J]. 顾曰国.  外语教学与研究. 1992(04)
[4]中国学生在英语交际中的语用失误——汉英语用差异调查[J]. 何自然,阎庄.  外语教学与研究. 1986(03)




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