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发布时间:2021-09-24 09:15


【文章页数】:91 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the research
    1.2 Objectives and significance of the research
        1.2.1 Objectives of the research
        1.2.2 Significance of the research
    1.3 Organization of the research
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Studies on deviated rhetoric
        2.1.1 Deviated rhetoric study abroad
        2.1.2 Deviated rhetoric study at home
    2.2 Studies on motivation of deviated rhetoric
        2.2.1 Definition of deviated rhetoric
        2.2.2 Deviated rhetoric motivation study
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Language motivation
        3.1.1 Ullmann s view on language motivation
        3.1.2 Wang Ailu and Si Fuzhen s view on language motivation
    3.2 The classification and definition of motivation
        3.2.1 Ullmann s classification of motivation
        3.2.2 The definition of motivation
Chapter 4 Phonological Motivation of Deviated Rhetoric
    4.1 Phonological characteristics of deviated rhetoric
        4.1.1 Temporariness
        4.1.2 Flexibility
    4.2 Homophonic motivation of deviated rhetoric
        4.2.1 Same sound with different forms
        4.2.2 Same sound with the same forms
        4.2.3 Similar sound with different forms
    4.3 Motivation imitation of sound in deviated rhetoric
        4.3.1 Direct imitation of sound
        4.3.2 Indirect imitation of sound
Chapter 5 Morphological Motivation of Deviated Rhetoric
    5.1 Morphological characteristics of deviated rhetoric
        5.1.1 Foregrounding
        5.1.2 Novelty
    5.2 Motivation of deviated written symbols
        5.2.1 Graphological deviation
        5.2.2 Punctuation deviation
    5.3 Motivation of graphics with linguistic signs
        5.3.1 Numbers with linguistic signs
        5.3.2 Image with linguistic signs
Chapter 6 Semantic Motivation of Deviated Rhetoric
    6.1 Semantic characteristics of deviated rhetoric
        6.1.1 Illogicality in meaning
        6.1.2 Recoding in context
    6.2 Semantic adaptation of deviated rhetoric
        6.2.1 Sentence adaptation
        6.2.2 Discourse adaptation
    6.3 Semantic contradiction of deviated rhetoric
        6.3.1 Sentence contradiction
        6.3.2 Discourse contradiction
Chapter 7 Conclusion
    7.1 Main findings of the study
    7.2 Limitations and prospects of the further study

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