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发布时间:2021-11-23 09:11
  关系从句由于其句法的复杂性和类型学的多样性而成为心理语言学中重要的研究领域。主语关系从句和宾语关系从句的对比为心理语言学家和神经语言学家提供了可靠的加工复杂句子区别的佐证(Schlesewsky & Schlesewsky 2009:198)。Keenan & Comrie (1977)在近50种语言基础上的跨语言研究被誉为是迄今为止“最有影响力的语言共性研究之一”(Fox 1987:856)。在此研究基础上提出的“名词短语可及性层次”认为关系化策略遵循一个以语法关系为主的层次,这个层次中越位于高端的语法成分,可及性越高,越被容易关系化。“可及性层次”反映了“加工时的心理难易程度”(Keenan & Comrie 1977:68)。主语位于这个层次的最高位置,所以主语关系从句最容易被加工。无独有偶,“可及性层次理论”提出的主语关系从句优先加工的共性在“经验理论”(Mitchell et al. 1995; Hale 2001)中也被提出。“经验理论”在跨语言研究的基础上发现主语关系从句出现的频率大于宾语关系从句出现的频率。在产出的频率与其加工的难易程度成正相关的... 

【文章来源】:东北师范大学吉林省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:175 页


List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter One Introducti
    1.1 Motivation of the
        1.1.1 The importance of relative clauses
        1.1.2 Universal processing preference and Current gaps
    1.2 Aims and research questions of the study
    1.3 Structure of the dissertation
Chapter Two Typology of relative clause
    2.1. Types of relative clauses
        2.1.1 External-headed RCs vs Internal-headed RCs vs Correlative RCs
        2.1.2 Postnominal / head-initial RCs vs Prenominal / head-final RCs
        2.1.3 Subject-extracted RCs vs Object-extracted RCs
        2.1.4 Subject-modifying vs Object-modifying RCs
    2.2 Word order type and RC type
    2.3 Typological characteristics of English relative clauses
        2.3.1 Restrictive vs non-restrictive clauses in English
        2.3.2 Derivation of English RCs
    2.4 Typological characteristics of Chinese relative clauses
        2.4.1 Typological characteristics of Chinese
   Morphological structure
   Vague clause boundaries
   Canonical word order
   Pro-drop in Chinese
   Topicalization in Chinese
        2.4.2 The Uniqueness of Chinese RC
   The position of head noun and restricting clause
   Grammatical roles of “DE”
Chapter Three Sentence Processing Mode
    3.1 Universal subject preference
        3.1.1 Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy
        3.1.2 Experience
    3.2 Working memory accounts (Gibson 1998, 2000)
        3.2.1 Storage Resources
   Storage of incomplete head dependencies
   Prediction about English RC processing
   Prediction about Chinese RC processing
        3.2.2 Integration Cost
   Linear distance between filler and gap
   Prediction about English RC processing
   Prediction about Chinese RC processing
        3.2.3 A brief comment: a bridge from structural theories to processing theories
    3.3 Structure-based theories
        3.3.1 Filler-Gap Domain (FGD) (Hawkins 1999, 2004)
   Structural distance between filler and subcategorizer
   Prediction about English RC processing
   Prediction about Chinese RC Processing made by Fill-Gap Domain
        3.3.2 Phrase-Structural Distance Hypothesis
   Hierarchy distance between filler and gap
   Prediction about English RC processing
   Prediction about Chinese RC processing
    3.4 Word order theory
        3.4.1 Canonical word order vs non-canonical word order
        3.4.2 Prediction about the English RC processing
        3.4.3 Prediction about Chinese RC processing
    3.5 Pragmatic functional perspective shift
        3.5.1 Subject as a default perspective of readers
        3.5.2 Prediction about English RC processing
        3.5.3 Prediction about Chinese RC processing
    3.6 An evaluation of predictions about English and Chinese RC processing
Chapter Four Previous studies and findings
    4.1 Processing relative clauses
        4.1.1 Basic observations
        4.1.2 Neurophysiological evidence
        4.1.3 Neuroanatomical evidence
    4.2 Consistent results with universality from English RC processing
        4.2.1 General remarks
        4.2.2 Eye-movement monitor
        4.2.3 Self-paced reading
        4.2.4 Event-related potential studies
        4.2.5 Brain imaging studies using fMRI and PET
        4.2.6 Lesion studies: Aphasia
    4.3 Mixed results on Chinese RC processing
        4.3.1 Self-paced reading
   Hsiao & Gibson (2003) – supporting cross-linguistic processing preference
   Lin & Bever (2006) – supporting universal processing preference
   Lin & Garnsey – the effect of head noun’s existence and animacy cues
        4.3.2 A maze task
        4.3.3 Corpora studies –supporting universal processing preference
        4.3.4 Event-related potential studies
Chapter Five An ERP experiment on Chinese RC processi
    5.1 ERP methodology
        5.1.1 An overview of ERP
        5.1.2 Geodesic EEG System
        5.1.3 Software-relating ERP experiments
        5.1.4 ERP language-related components
   Early left anterior negativity (ELAN)
    5.2 The ERP experiment design on Chinese relative clause processing
        5.2.1 Aims
        5.2.2 Participants
        5.2.3 Materials and task
        5.2.4 Design
        5.2.5 Procedure
        5.2.6 Electrophysiological recordings and preprocessing
        5.2.7 Data analysis
    5.3 Results
        5.3.1 Behavioral results
        5.3.2 Spatial Aspects of the ERP data
        5.3.3 Statistical results
   prior results of asymmetry processing
   Introducing of topicalization effect
   Minimal pair analysis
       Subject-modifying RCs
       Object-modifying RCs
       Topicalized RCs
    5.4 Discussions
        5.4.1 Testing prior results of processing asymmetry
   Procedure of Chinese RC processing
   Object relatives preference in Chinese
        5.4.2 Involvement of topicalized sentences
   Procedure of relative clause processing
   Object relative preference in Chinese
        5.4.3 Minimal pair analysis
   Processing asymmetry in subject-modifying RCs
   Processing asymmetry in object-modifying RCs
   Processing asymmetry in topicalized RCs
   An integration results from minimal pair analysis
        5.4.4 Evaluation of sentence processing models
   Evaluation of Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy
   Evaluation of Frequency
   Evaluation of Storage Cost
   Evaluation of Integration Cost
   Evaluation of Filler-Gap Domain
   Evaluation of Phrase-Structural Distance Hypothesis
   Evaluation of Canonical Word Order Hypothesis
   Evaluation of Perspective Shift theory
    5.5 Conclusions
        5.5.1 Non-applicability of universal subject preference to Chinese
        5.5.2 General phenomenon of object relatives preference in Chinese
        5.5.3 Non-existence of a universal processing model
        5.5.4 Other findings contributing to a comprehensive model
   Function of canonical word order in RCs
   An unmarked RC form in English and Chinese
Chapter Six Concluding remark
    6.1 General findings
    6.2 Significance of the study
    6.3 Limitations of the study
    6.4 Suggestions for future research
Appendix: Experimental Materials

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